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What is master budgeting? List down each step of budgeting process.

Question added by Sakhi Muhammad Imran , Finance Manager , United Catering Co. WLL
Date Posted: 2016/04/09
georgei assi
by georgei assi , مدير حسابات , المجموعة السورية

Thank you for the question of budgets is the most important intake of accounting science

Budget: is the final financial report to be issued at the end of the financial year and which shows the financial position of the Corporation (the financial position of the institution), and the light also can through which the entrepreneur or business owners to know the costs, profits and losses, and through this report is also to determine the obligations that must be paid to third parties, and according to the institutional budget Activity contents vary, but in the end containing the so-called accounting in the term:

Assets, liabilities and equity (shareholders or partners),

It prepares the budget in most of the financial institutions department's activities but it is audited and reviewed is a third-party monitor the institution's activities and called the account auditor to approve the budget's health and are hired by the institution, and through the budget the company owner can read and perceive the company's activity and take financial and administrative appropriate decisions and, in accounting convention

There are steps to prepare the balance sheet. Budget preparation basics of the budget is usually composed of two parties where the right side includes the so-called left party assets include Total liabilities and equity. When preparing the budget must always be equal parties in the final value, except for that if the budget were not equally be rejected in a final accounting laws. In the final analysis of the budget can know the loss or profit of the company and they are making important decisions, after a meeting of the Council of the governing body in the facility if the company and not individual institution.

It is prepared at the end of the fiscal year after the closing of all accounting movements annual inventory of the assets of the company (according to the company's activity). Steps budget to determine the value of assets serially preparation and are divided into current assets and fixed assets,

We refer to assets traded and is available of economic resources such as cash (cash flow), stock (according to the company's activity) and accounts receivable (amounts owed to others), and inventories of goods (the expense of the company's activity),

The fixed assets which assets are used not be sold, such as cars owned by the organization, furniture and furnishings, building and land, and finally intangible assets which goodwill and trademarks.

Determining the value of liabilities which the value of the company's commitment to others and so-called creditor party, including traded receivables creditors liabilities (amounts owed to others which must be paid), and notes payable, such as bank loans, fixed and liabilities of any debt for long-term need to time to repay such mortgaged loans means loan guarantee. Property rights, which is net income, which is added to the owner's rights, and have it after assessing the value of assets which the Foundation's capital laced with the rest of the value of assets after deducting the value of liabilities (obligations), and different property rights by Activity entity, if the individual institution The capital foundation money to someone one, if more than one partner called the rights of partners and are reported each partner's share, and if the public shareholding it may a special treat especially if they contribute to a large number and called the property rights clause shareholder rights.

Mohammed  Ashraf
by Mohammed Ashraf , Director of International Business , Saqr Al-Khayala Group

The master budget is the aggregation of all lower- level budgets produced by a company's various functional areas, and also includes budgeted financial statements, cash forecast, and a financing plan.

Processes of budgeting plan.

Taking control of your financial future might seem like an intimidating process if you’ve never done it before. Creating your first budget can also be a daunting task if you’ve never lived on one and aren’t sure what information to include. Unlike smaller budgets for special savings goals, a master budget puts all of your dollars and dreams into one document. To get the process started, get off the couch, gather last year’s financial records and start creating your budget document.

Gather Your Information

To effectively create a master budget, you’ll need to understand your financial situation. To determine this, gather all of your financial records from last year, including your tax return, bank and credit card statements, checkbook, online or brokerage trading statements and any other documents that will help you see what you brought in and spent last year. This will help you set spending and savings goals for the foreseeable future.

Create Your Document

Once you have your financial information, it’s time to build your budget document. Using a simple spreadsheet program, enter your income and expense categories down the left-hand side of the page. List all income sources, including your pay, gifts and money from any garage sales or part-time job you might take. If you plan on leaving stock market gains in your account, don’t include that in your master budget. List your expenses in two sections: fixed and variable. Fixed expenses include bills such as rent, car payments and insurance, while variable expenses change each month, such as your electric bill. Across the top of the page, create columns for recording income and expense each month. After your December column, add “Total,” “Average Monthly,” “Budgeted Monthly” and “Projected Yearly” columns. At the bottom of each month, include lines for your total monthly income and expenses, and one to calculate your net income or loss.

Breakout Information

To get the most of your master budget, create a variety of breakout reports when you build your document. Use your “Total” column to learn what your average spending or income is each month. Divide that column by the number of months that have passed to get your entries for the “Average Monthly” column. This will let you compare what you are spending and saving to your “Budgeted Monthly” targets. Multiply the “Average Monthly” totals by to get your “Projected Yearly” projection.


Once you have completed the first step in the master budgeting process, it’s time to use your document to plan your goals. Enter your projections in your “Budgeted Monthly” column to see if you will have enough money to pay your bills or save for specific goals. If you find you have excess cash, create savings categories and put them in your variable expenses section. For example, if you want to save $1, per month for your retirement fund, include that contribution as an expense in your budget. Other savings goals might include college tuition for your children, a mortgage down payment or a vacation. If your budget projections put you in the red each month, or living too close to the edge, start reducing the numbers in your variable expenses, such as dining out or entertainment.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

agree with mr. Mohammed Ashraf  & mr. georgei assi 

Thank you for titivation

  I agree with M Georgei answer


Diyaa Hani Rashid Al-khedair
by Diyaa Hani Rashid Al-khedair , Budget Analyst , General Budget Department

Thanks for the invitation .....

I agree with Mr Gorge 

Dasarathi Rath
by Dasarathi Rath , Sr. Accountant , Al Luban Special Investment LLC

The policy of a business for defined period is represented by the master budget, the details each step are :- 1. Physical budget :- This budget information in terms physical units about sales, production etc... For example quantity of sales, quantity of production, inventories and man power budget are physical budget. 2. Cost budget :- this budget provide cost information in respect of manufacturing cost, selling cost, administration cost and research and development cost budget are cost budgets. 3. Profit budget :- A budget which enables in the ascetainment of profit for example sales budget and profit and loss budget etc. 4. Financial budget :- A budget which facilities in ascertaining the financial position of a concern, for example cash budget, capital expenditures budget, budgeted balance sheet etc.

حسين محمد ياسين
by حسين محمد ياسين , Finance Manager , مؤسسة عبد الماجد محمد العمر للمقاولات العامة

agree with answer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Abdul Khalique
by Abdul Khalique , Finance Manager , Value Real Estate & Construction

Thanks for invitation


The Master or final budget is a summary budget, which incorporates all functional budgets in a capsule form. It sets out the plan of operations for all departments in considerable detail for the budget period. The budget may take the form of a Profit and Loss Account and a Balance Sheet as at the end of the budget period. The Master budget requires the approval of the Budget Committee before it is put into operation. It may happen, sometimes, that a number of master budgets have to be prepared before the final one is agreed upon. The budget generally contains details regarding sales (net), production costs, cash position, and key account balances (e.g. debtors, fixed assets, bills payable, etc.). It also shows the gross and net profits and the important accounting ratios. The budgeting process requires essentially six steps: 1.       Setting goals 2.       Gathering data 3.       Forecast future needs 4.       Implementing the budget 5.       Controlling


6.       Evaluating performance.

Abdelhafiz Elkhidir Sidahmed Mohammed Kheer
by Abdelhafiz Elkhidir Sidahmed Mohammed Kheer , مدير التدريب والدراسات والبحوث , اتحاد المصارف السوداني

 ...................................................................................... Thank you for titivation

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Master Budget Definition

The master budget is the aggregation of all lower-level budgets produced by a company's various functional areas, and also includes budgeted financial statements, a cash forecast, and a financing plan. The master budget is typically presented in either a monthly or quarterly format, and usually covers a company's entire fiscal year. An explanatory text may be included with the master budget, which explains the company's strategic direction, how the master budget will assist in accomplishing specific goals, and the management actions needed to achieve the budget. There may also be a discussion of the headcount changes that are required to achieve the budget.

A master budget is the central planning tool that a management team uses to direct the activities of a corporation, as well as to judge the performance of its various responsibility centers. It is customary for the senior management team to review a number of iterations of the master budget and incorporate modifications until it arrives at a budget that allocates funds to achieve the desired results. Hopefully, a company uses participative budgeting to arrive at this final budget, but it may also be imposed on the organization by senior management, with little input from other employees.

The budgets that roll up into the master budget include:

The selling and administrative expense budget may be further subdivided into budgets for individual departments, such as the accounting, engineering, facilities, and marketing departments.

Once the master budget has been finalized, the accounting staff may enter it into the company's accounting software, so that the software can issue financial reports comparing budgeted and actual results.

Smaller organizations usually construct their master budgets using electronic spreadsheets. However, spreadsheets may contain formula errors, and also have a difficult time constructing a budgeted balance sheet. Larger organizations use budget-specific software, which does not have these two problems.


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