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Does the private or public have multiple use needed?

    A)1   B) Public   C) Private    D)Storage

Question added by Wasi Rahman Sheikh , Warehouse Supervisor , AL MUTLAQ FURNITURE MFG
Date Posted: 2016/04/12

Thanks for the invite I leave the answer to experts specialists

by ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

What is multiple use?


The Bureau of Land Management’s multiple-use mission was set in the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and mandates that we manage public land resources for a variety of uses, such as energy development, livestock grazing, recreation and timber harvesting, while protecting a wide array of natural, cultural and historical resources.


This month, the @BLMWyoming Facebook page takes on the question by highlighting the wide variety of uses and jobs that BLM specialists do. 




Multiple Use is… managing sage-grouse. Wyoming is home to about 54 percent of the Greater Sage-Grouse in the United States, and the BLM in Wyoming manages millions of acres of potential sage-grouse habitat. The BLM-Wyoming works with the State of Wyoming, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Department of Agriculture, the energy industry, environmental groups and others to address habitat conservation and provide for environmentally responsible resource use activities on public lands.



Multiple Use is… wind! An estimated 43 percent of the public lands in Wyoming have wind energy development potential. The renewable energy team is strategically located to focus resources on processing wind energy right-of-way applications. The public lands in the southern half of Wyoming have the highest potential for wind energy development and consequently, most of the project and site testing right-of-way applications currently being processed by BLM-Wyoming are located in the Casper, Kemmerer, Lander, Rawlins and Rock Springs Field Offices.



Multiple Use is… recreation. Recreation opportunities abound on over 18 million acres of BLM-administered public land in Wyoming. BLM focuses on providing undeveloped recreation opportunities such as fishing, four-wheeling, sightseeing, river floating, hiking and hunting.



Multiple Use is… asset management. The primary goal of BLM’s asset management program is to ensure that the infrastructure is maintained in a sustainable fashion that supports the BLM’s mission effectively and efficiently. BLM places an emphasis on safety and security, functionality, efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility. In Wyoming, this includes administrative and recreation sites, roads, culverts, bridges and even dams.



Multiple Use is… cadastral survey. BLM’s Cadastral Survey Program is one of the oldest and most fundamental functions of the United States Government. Established by the Land Ordinance of 1785, cadastral surveys are the foundation of our national land tenure system creating, reestablishing, marking, and defining land boundaries. In addition to conducting surveys to meet BLM land management needs, Wyoming Cadastral Survey completes surveys for all federal agencies and Indian Tribes in Wyoming and Nebraska.



Multiple Use is… wildlife management! More than 3,000 species of wildlife occur on BLM’s more than 245 million acres in 23 States, dispersed over some of the Nation’s most ecologically diverse and essential habitat. In fact, the BLM manages more wildlife habitat than any other federal or state agency. BLM-managed lands are vital to big game, upland game, waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, raptors and hundreds of species of non-game mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.



Multiple Use is… coal! The top 10 producing coal mines in the country are located in the Wyoming portion of the Powder River Basin. These mines produced about 375 million short tons in 2012. Coal mines in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming employed over 7,000 personnel in 2010.



Multiple Use is…planning. BLM is cooperating with the Black Hills National Forest, Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest, and Thunder Basin National Grassland on the Teckla-Osage-Rapid City 230 kV Transmission Line Project. 


Multiple use is… wildland fire management. The BLM, a leader in our nation’s wildland fire management efforts, undertakes a broad range of activities to safely protect the public, the natural landscape, wildlife habitat and recreational areas for our country’s citizens. The program includes fire suppression, preparedness, predictive services, fuels management, fire planning, community assistance and protection, prevention and education, and perhaps most significant, safety.

د Waleed
by د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

Sorry, your question is not really clear ! As I understand , it should be B answer ... Public !


Thank You

Nadeem Asghar
by Nadeem Asghar , Supply Chain Consultant/Trainer , Independent Practitioner

Leave for the experts to respond

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

agree with expert answers above

Rafi Shajahan
by Rafi Shajahan , Supply Chain Coordinator , QATAR AIRWAYS

B is the answer - product entering and leaving facility

Saiyid Maududi-Oracle Applications Consultant
by Saiyid Maududi-Oracle Applications Consultant , Entrerprise Architect , US Technomatrix, Inc

Hello Team,

The configuration for this scenario includes a virtual private cloud (VPC) with a public subnet and a private subnet, and a virtual private gateway to enable communication with your own network over an IPsec VPN tunnel. We recommend this scenario if you want to extend your network into the cloud and also directly access the Internet from your VPC. This scenario enables you to run a multi-tiered application with a scalable web front end in a public subnet, and to house your data in a private subnet that is connected to your network by an IPsec VPN connection.




B) Public-----Answer ----------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Option C) is answer ________________________

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