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How do I insert different page numbers in single document in Word?

Question added by danish shafiq , Accountant , Anayat Fan
Date Posted: 2016/04/19
danish shafiq
by danish shafiq , Accountant , Anayat Fan

Best answer Mr. Ahmed Ali keep it up.

Ahmed Ali
by Ahmed Ali , Account Executive , PCM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to create a word document with page numbering, and in a specific section of the document, you want to insert a different kind of page number?


If that's the case, you need to create a page break or a section break - depending on what you're trying to achieve.


To create a break in Office 2007 or above:

- move the cursor to the end of the section you want to format differently

- go on the Ribbon to "Page Layout"

- right below that, you'll find "Breaks" with a dropdown arrow next to it - click the arrow

- under "Section Breaks" click on "Next Page"


At this point, the remaining on the document has been split and started on a new page. That page at this point is separate in terms of formatting, etc. You can change it's layout, formatting, headers and footers, and pretty much anything else.


Hope this answers your question.


Thanks for the invite I agree with answer  Mr Ahmed Ali

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

great answer from mr. Ahmed Ali 

Ghada Eweda
by Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

You can use different numbering formats in different parts of your document.

For example, maybe you want i, ii, iii numbering for the table of contents and introduction, and you want 1, 2, 3 numbering for the rest of the document, and then no page numbers for the index.

IMPORTANT:  To use different numbering in different sections of your document, you need to make sure that the sections are not linked.

  1. Click at the beginning of the page where you want to start, stop, or change the header, footer, or page numbering.

  2. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Breaks.

    page setup group

  3. Under Section Breaks, click Next Page.

  4. On the page that follows the section break, double-click in the header area or the footer area (near the top of the page or near the bottom of the page).

    This opens the Design tab under Header & Footer Tools.

  5. On the Design tab, in the Navigation group, click Link to Previous to turn it off.

    IMPORTANT:  If your page number is in the header, be sure that you turn off linking for headers. If your page number is in the footer, be sure that you turn off linking for footers. Headers and footers are linked or unlinked separately.

  6. Follow the instructions for adding page number or for adding a header or a footer with page number.

    NOTE:  Choose an alert and enter text here. You may also set it's AlertPosition property.

  7. To choose a numbering format or the starting number, click Page Number in the Header & Footer group, click Format Page Numbers, click the format that you want and the Start at number that you want to use, and then click OK.

  8. To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools).

    Header and footer Close button

Poonam Sharma
by Poonam Sharma , IT Service Desk Manager , Wipro Technologies

Dear Friends,


Please vote for my answers:


Format Page Numbering

To format the page numbering for different sections, follow these steps:

  1. Click between two parts of your document that you want to number differently.
  2. On the Insert menu, click Break.
  3. Click Next PageEven Page, or Odd Page, and then click OK.For Help on an option, click the question mark, and then click the option.
  4. Click in the first section.
  5. On the View menu, click Header and Footer.
  6. Click in the header or footer where you want the page number.
  7. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Insert Page Number.
  8. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Format Page Number.
  9. In the Number format box, click the format that you want for the numbers in this section.
  10. Do one of the following:
    • If you want the page numbering for the first page in this section to start at a particular number other than the first number in the format series, click Start at under Page numbering, and then enter the first number that you want to appear on the first page of the section.
    • If you want the page numbering to continue from the previous section, click Continue from previous section.
  11. Click OK.
  12. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Show Next.
  13. Repeat steps 8 through 11 for the page numbering in this section.
  14. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Close

Numan Ashraf
by Numan Ashraf , Electrical Engineer , Rafiq Engineering Industries (Pvt) Ltd, Gujrat

This can be done by making different sections in one document. And unlink the next section from the previous sections. And now go to page number format and select the numbering start at option by giving it 1.

مها شرف
by مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

 I agree with Mr Ahmad answers, thanks for the invitation

Allan Garcia
by Allan Garcia , Associate , Innodata Knowledge Services, Inc.

You can go insert then pages and if you want your page in center, right or you can go left

great reply by all users......

great and excellent question

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