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What are some of the best dietitian tips that you can suggest for a pregnant woman during the month of Ramadan?

Question added by Amani Alasad , Web Developer , Quadron
Date Posted: 2016/04/21

Tips for pregnant women in the holy month of Ramadan:


· Pregnant women should be concerned Suhoor meal and delay it as much as possible.


· At breakfast should not eat

 Once, it is better to divide the breakfast to several small and sporadic meals, because a lot of eating at breakfast because it leads to indigestion, shortness of breath

When the mother.


· Attention to the quality and quantity of food with

 Taking care not to gain weight and avoid follow

 Any drastic diet to lose weight.


· Attention to compensate fluid after breakfast and then drink water, natural juices

 Non-sweetened milk, or at intervals.


· Not too many sweets and sweetened juices so do not feel thirsty pregnant

 Weighing not more than a lot.


· During the day in Ramadan holder can exercise her natural condition that bothered and it should take a great deal

Of rest during the day.


Avoid stress and work in high temperatures to prevent loss of a large amount of body fluids.


· If a pregnant woman feels symptoms of fatigue fasting which is to decrease the pressure and dizziness, feeling cold parties, nausea and the inability to do any effort, it must complete breakfast and not fasting.


- Eat small multiple meals so as not to exceed the time period including 2-3 hours because the fetus needs to continuously provide calories and nutrients.


- Eat four servings of milk or milk each day to provide for your body and fetal an adequate amount of calcium. And know one serving and one cup of milk or yogurt.


- Refrained from liver eating and tablets fish liver (omega-3) because they contain a large amount of vitamin A, which raises the risk of having a fetus and birth defects, and should refrain from tuna consumption because they may contain a large amount of mercury, which increases the chances of infecting the fetus mentally retarded the future.


- More than eating fruits and vegetables because they contain important food items for the growth of the fetus.


- Eat whole grains such as brown rice, bread made from whole wheat flour, bulgur, frike, oats, because they help you feel full and protect you from excessive weight gain and constipation.


- Drink more water and avoid the juice, soft drinks Ramadan and other drinks, such as carob and licorice.


- Reduce the consumption of sweets, because it provides the fetus calorie "empty", ie free from necessary for the growth of food.


- Eat a daily source of protein in the meal cooked, such as red meat, chicken, turkey, fish or beans.


- Drink ginger in case of injury, poor digestion or nausea.


- Refrained from eating processed and canned meat because consumption may increase the risk of fetal injury cancerous diseases in the future.

Charaf eddine OTMANI
by Charaf eddine OTMANI , Doctor veterinarian , Cabinet Otmani Ezzouhour

During pregnancy one can sometimes be prone to fatigue, sleep disorders or iron deficiency. Honey is an ideal food during pregnancy, it is a source of minerals, vitamins and has many therapeutic properties specific to pregnant women:


It contains folic acid

It helps with digestion

It regulates bowel function

It contains sedative properties that act against insomnia

It is a food very rich in energy

It stimulates antibody function with ascorbic acid, magnesium, copper and zinc

Before buying a honey, remember to check its quality!


Verbena (lemongrass)


During pregnancy, the expectant mother may encounter several difficulties, also part of the joys of pregnancy, such as digestive problems, stress, having trouble getting to sleep. Lemongrass verbena is therefore an excellent ally because it has multiple properties.


The leaves are widely used in infusion for their digestive and soothing properties. It is also known to help fall asleep and promote recuperative sleep.


Not to be confused with officinal verbena (wild) which is not recommended during pregnancy, because it triggers contractions.



Talbina is a delicious barley drink from the Sunnah. It contains excellent nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Talbina alone represents a complete meal thanks to the carbohydrates it contains.


Talbina is specifically recommended for pregnant women because it compensates for the lack of the body. It brings vitamins, amino acids and minerals that give a boost of energy and strength, necessary for the pregnant woman




The dates are quoted several times in the Qur'an and the Sunnah thanks to the immense virtues they contain. They are an important ally for pregnant and lactating women. The nausea and physical reactions that occur during pregnancy may be due to potassium deficiency, dates are perfect fill this lack. During her sensitive periods, the woman can also find herself in lack of iron, the dates are very rich in iron! But that's not all, they also bring a reduction of stress and tension.


His virtues do not stop there. Allah has recommended to Maryam to eat dates to facilitate her delivery. They help dilate the cervix and the sugar they contain helps the woman weakened by the effort of childbirth and the blood loss to regain its strength.


Deleted user
by Deleted user

Diet for pregnant woman during the month of Ramadan - 6am - Pomogranate juice -1glass 8am- Ragi malt with coconut milk and almonds + Fruits(Avocado,grapes,raisins,blackberries,cherries, raspberries , strawberries) 1pm - Brown rice ,Fish curry(sardines, mackerels,tuna,salmon), vegetable curry (pumpkin ,tomato),greens (including spring greens,young salad greens,sorrels,spinach,Swiss chard), buttermilk 3pm - Milk + Almonds(2) + Dates(2) + Figs (3)juice-1glass 7pm - Fruits + Coconut 9pm - Avocado+ honey juice-1glass. Flaxseeds can be included in salads(one tablespoon a day)

Swarnambal John
by Swarnambal John , Founder/writer/blogger ,

You should not limit your food intake just for Iftar and Suhoor. You can have several well-balanced, nutritious meals after you break your fast. 

You can start your Iftar with three dates and fruit juice to make your sugar levels normal. You can go in for semi-skimmed milk or laban and a clear soup.

Salads, chicken, meat or fish will boost your protein levels. You can also add dishes made from chickpeas, lentils, and beans.

You can go in for brown rice, wholemeal pasta, and wholemeal bread. Include plenty of veggies. 

You can try baked samosas and chapati made without oil. Avoid high-fat foods such as parathas. It may cause indigestion. 

Suhoor should be a wholesome filling meal that gives you energy throughout the day. 

Your healthy meal could include:

  • whole wheat bread, with a little jam, cheese or labneh
  • high-fibre cereal with semi-skimmed milk
  • porridge
  • fresh and dried fruit, such as bananas and dates
  • unsalted nuts

Avoid drinking coffee and tea, instead, drink plenty of water.  You can try fruit juices, and a smoothie made with milk, yogurt, ice, and fruit. 

Limit your sugar intake, after dinner, relax and move around, Be sure to take your Suhoor. Drink plenty of water between Iftar and Suhoor to prevent dehydration.

nasrullah jan faizullah
by nasrullah jan faizullah , Project HSSE Coordinator , Panorama Contracting & eng Qatar

 It is  extremely important for pregnant women who are fasting to be aware of how to fast safely, says an expert.“Women who suffer from constant vomiting and the loss of fluids during the early months of pregnancy are advised not to fast as this may result in severe dehydration“However a pregnant woman’s body acclimatizes to the unique experience of fasting, so if her body contains a good enough supply of energy then fasting does not negatively affect her,” explained Daradkeh.The dietitian explained that pregnant women should undergo a medical examination before fasting to ensure they are free from common health issues such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure.If their doctor does give permission to fast during Ramadan, pregnant women should, avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea and soft drinks to reduce the intake of caffeine, take care to consume a healthy and balanced diet, drink sufficient amounts of water, between eight to twelve cups per day to avoid dehydration and Start Iftar with a glass of milk and some dates, followed by a variety of foods that contain all food groups.They should also eat a healthy snack before bedtime i.e. about an hour after Taraweeh prayer, consume the permitted quantities of starches and keep away from saturated fats, have protein such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese, take advantage of the opportunity to eat Suhour, avoid excessive use of spices when cooking, eat multiple meals in low quantities when permitted to avoid the feeling of satiety, stay away from fatty foods and fries to avoid heartburn and weight gain, eat at least two to three servings of fresh fruit daily and perform some kind of physical activity for half an hour a day,,Thanks Tips by peninsula 

Shaik Sayed Md  Rashidul Hossain
by Shaik Sayed Md Rashidul Hossain , Deputy Manager , BRAC

It’s really a tough question to answer , there no clear cut answer of this question even medical studies went through several research to check effects of fasting on expectant mothers and the babies they carry. Here's what the research says:

1.     Several studies looked at birth weights and Apgar scores. They found no significant difference between the babies of mothers who fasted, and the babies of mothers who did not fast.

2.     Some studies show that fasting by a pregnant woman does not seem to affect the potential IQ of her baby.

3.     Some studies did report that pregnant women experience changes in the chemical balance of their blood while fasting. But the changes did not appear to harm the mothers or their babies. The studies compared the babies' birth weights and found no difference.

Studies shows that around 70% of Muslim Pregnant women fast worldwide during the Month of Ramadan. Pregnant women should go for continuous medical checkup during this period  , specially anemic mother.

Ø  Be sure to have a variety of healthy food and plenty to drink at Iftar, the meal taken at dusk, and Sehri, the pre-dawn meal.

Ø  Choose foods that release energy slowly such as whole grains, seeds, pulses, vegetables and dried fruits. These will help keep your energy levels up and avoid constipation.

Ø  It's best not to have sugary foods that will raise your blood sugar levels quickly. Your blood sugar may also drop quickly, and this may make you feel faint and dizzy.

Ø  Try not to eat high-fat, refined foods. Choose healthier options, such as potatoes ( aloo) or chickpeas ( kabuli chana).

Ø  Make sure you get plenty of protein from beans, nuts and well-cooked meat and eggs. Protein is needed to help your baby grow well.


Ø  Drink plenty of fluids overnight. Try to drink two litres of water between dusk and dawn.Try not to have drinks with caffeine as it is a diuretic.

Reference :

 Babycenter , pregnant women during ramadan month. 




Zeina Abdo
by Zeina Abdo , Projects Management , freelance

if im supposed to be her adviser, ill honestly not allow her to fast. 

but in anyway, to answer your question, 

starting with Dates, laban, and a healthy vegetable soup(non fat sauces).

after an hour or 2:

fresh salade, with a 250gm grilled protine: meat, chicken or fish (fish wil be the ideal to give omega 3) ;to combine with little rice or pasta or potatoes roasted, and a good portion of beans, lentil (something including iron)

Avoiding full fat food, and replace them with fruits after the dinner. to get the body sugar need.

if not, go for the light home made smoothies,or sweets made from light ingredients, and low in sugar and oil (muffin cakes, chocalate rice balls etc...

on suhour, i recommend to go high-fiber food, carbohydrates to fuel the body longer until Eftar Time:

she can eat: wholewheat bread or normal even, its ok, labneh or white cheese; a cup of high-fibre cereal with light milk, a banana is a must combined with dates and a handful of raw unsalted nuts will be great. 



Most Of the times, pregnant ladies should not make Ramadan fasting while they are more than 6 months of time.

Because the baby and for her need more nutrients when this time. And this they are taking some medicines also for their physical health. So if pregnant ladies are going to take fasting, they can use the following foods for their health,

     Foods which contains more protein and lees fat in the early morning (Before sohur)

     High Fat Dairy products either before or after fasting

     Don'k make more movements or works during the day time

     Don't Drive a car for longtime

     Avoid to go Outside 

    Try to stay inside the home so the possibilities of Dehydration and Appetite will be less. So you can continue with your Fasting as long as.

mohamed elmobarek ahmed ali
by mohamed elmobarek ahmed ali , nutrition consultation , sudan ministry of health

milk and milk drivater.

high protien food

vegatable and fruit


To consult gynecologist about fasting or not during ramadan according here health condition

mohamed  idhrees
by mohamed idhrees , Lab technician , Rafa water

Eat more dates and drink more water

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