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(DOS) The original disk operating system from IBM.
DOS was the low-end OS of choice on the IBM 360, the high-end system was called just ”OS ". DOS had a smaller kernel and less functionality than OS and could run on the typical 32K 360/30 and 64K 360/40 class machines. DOS was a successor to TOS.
Operating system
(DOS) The name of a number of operating systems which include facilities for storing files on disk, often used to refer to Microsoft DOS. Such a system must handle physical disk I/O, the mapping of file names to disk addresses and protection of files from unauthorized access (in a multi-user system). A DOS should present a uniform interface to different storage device such as floppy disks, hard disks and magnetic tape drives. It may also provide some kind of locking to prevent unintentional simultaneous access by two processes to the same file (or record).
DOS (Disk Operating System) was the Command Line Based system IBM and Microsoft used initially for running different applications.
(1) Acronym for disk operating system. The term DOS can refer to any operating system, but it is most often used as a shorthand for MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system). Originally developed by Microsoft for IBM, MS-DOS was the standard operating system for IBM-compatible personal computers.
The initial versions of DOS were very simple and resembled another operating system called CP/M. Subsequent versions have became increasingly sophisticated as they incorporated features of minicomputer operating systems. However, DOS is still a 16-bit operating system and does not support multiple users or multitasking.
For some time, it has been widely acknowledged that DOS is insufficient for modern computer applications. Microsoft Windows helped alleviate some problems, but still, it sat on top of DOS and relied on DOS for many services. Even Windows 95 sat on top of DOS. Newer operating systems, such as Windows NT and OS/2 Warp, do not rely on DOS to the same extent, although they can execute DOS-based programs. It is expected that as these operating systems gain market share, DOS will eventually disappear. In the meantime, Caldera, Inc. markets a version of DOS called DR-OpenDOSthat extends MS-DOS in significant ways.
full agree with ms. ghada on her answer
Well answer add by Ghada Eweda
I'm thinking that it refers to DOS = Direct Operating System, where you have an intense use of keyboard, if well remember MD it means Make Directory, CD Enter the Directory (not file or folder) etc, any way a basic software to initiate and use the PC.
Basm allah alrahman alrahim
all windows operating system before NT was DOS based , that mean MS-DOS-based Microsoft Windows (95, 98, and Millennium Edition)
that mean structured at DOS
DOS (Disk Operating System) was the first widely-installed operating system for personal computers. (Earlier, the same name had been used for an IBM operating system for a line of business computers.)
Experts already answered well this question, thank you Mr Vaqar Ali Sayyed for the invitation.