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What are career opportunities the university graduates with Bachelor degree in BA-marketing have?

Question added by Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.
Date Posted: 2016/04/30
Ghada Eweda
by Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Marketing is an exciting, fast-paced, dynamic field that offers career opportunities such as:


2-Marketing research.

3-Product design.

4- Retail , distribution and wholesale management.

5-Sales and  sales management.

6-Purchasing, advertising and public relations.

7- Marketing management.


 These exciting careers stimulate personal growth, challenge your creativity and imagination, and appeal to a variety of interests.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

thanks a lot for great answer and information given by u


Adam Ahmed
by Adam Ahmed , IT & Web Developer , Freelance

Basm allah alrahman alrahim



What Are the BS & BA in Marketing?



Muhammad Adeel
by Muhammad Adeel , Sales And Marketing Executive , TANZEEM HEAVY EQUIPMENT RENTAL LLC

The nature of the marketing sector is such that the skills and contacts you build up outside your studies can give you a real advantage.

Specialist marketing, advertising and PR agencies are not the only major employers of marketing graduates.

Marketing is a core element of all organisations and, therefore, opportunities exist across all industry sectors - private, public and voluntary. These can range from the financial, consumer and information technology industries to not-for-profit organisations, such as charities, local government and higher education institutions.

Heavenly J John
by Heavenly J John , Head of the Dealership Operation , Automobile Company

Marketing stands between Finance, Production and Sales, Aftersales. Marketing is vital for the efforts made by the former and latter to materalise. If every graduate of the marketing realises this, career starts from there.

مها شرف
by مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

I agree with M's Ghada answers, thanks for the invitation. .

by ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

It will  to be a marketing practitioner, as digital and social media merge with traditional communication methods, changing the way businesses operate. Our degree is a stepping stone to an exciting career across a range of disciplines, including: branding, customer relationship marketing, international marketing, advertising, public relations, sales and events management.

Yosef Abdalsalam Mohammed
by Yosef Abdalsalam Mohammed , IT Manager , Al-Alamiya for Furniture

Got to Agree with your answer Ms. Ghada, thanks for the invitation.

sardar mardookhy
by sardar mardookhy , PMP certified Project manager , MCCI

Thanks for invitation,

agreed with answers

Farhana Siddique Fari
by Farhana Siddique Fari , Coordinator , Coordinator at DFA, Dr Fazeela Abbasi, Advanced Skin, Laser & Hair Institute, Islamabad.

Thanks for invitation Dear Ghada. I totally agree with your answer.

Francis Jr Simbajon
by Francis Jr Simbajon , Associate Marketer , C-ONE TRADING CORPORATION

Definitely agreed with Ms Ghada's answer.

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