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The command for path extrude is "Follow Me" in Sketchup.
Let me explain it in steps:
1. Draw the shape you want to extrude. Eg. a Rectangle or a circle.
2. Draw a path using line command if it is a linear path or you can use arc command to draw a curve path.
3. Once the path is drawn go to the tab "TOOLS". Under that you will find a command "FOLLOW ME".
4. Click on the command. Now, select the face of the shape you want to extrude. This will be depicted by dots appearing on the face which will tell you that you have selected the right face.
5. After selecting the face click on the path you have drawn or just move your cursor on the path and when you reach the end of the path just click and you extrusion is complete.
6. The difference between clicking and dragging your cursor on the path is that on clicking the extrusion is complete in a flash but when you drag you will be able to see the extrusion happening step by step just like an animation.
Hope, you got the answer.