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Still its a common observation to the consumer group that high price goods or product's performance is good, do you believe it ever?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2016/05/15
Heavenly J John
by Heavenly J John , Head of the Dealership Operation , Automobile Company

Gone are the days of such opinion. Current generation feels that such product is meant for elegance, comfort and convenient to handle. Performance is something not attached to this. Nokia was performance oriented but couldn't survive in the presence of highly priced handset that carried ECC and still those ECC couldn't survive the performance delivered by Nokia. You have to handle product of ECC with care.

 I leave the answer specialists experts in the field that's not my area.

Yosef Abdalsalam Mohammed
by Yosef Abdalsalam Mohammed , IT Manager , Al-Alamiya for Furniture

Thanks for inviting, of course the higher price is better, that is known .

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