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How do you get staff members from another team to do their job portion related to your project?

السلام عليكم

I am the disaster recovery and business continuity manager for several departments of a large bank.The IT resource assigned to set up laptops for the team kept delaying the work and in spite of several escalations to his and my own management, it took7 months, yes, SEVEN MONTHS for another IT resource to be assigned who did the job in one afternoon! As remediation, that first resource got transferred to another department in a different city that's right next to his home, so he won't have to travel far to work anymore like the rest of us!!!

Within my own group, one team's staff refuse to test the company's DR systems saying they're too "busy", when you see them walking out for a half hour break and have a month of every quarter of moderate workload. All they have to do is work from home for a day!!! Escalation doesn't seem to work as the VP was approached and nothing came of it, I'm on a deadline, they get away scot-free and I end up in hot water!

How would you approach those2 similar scenarios in order to get your work done and keep the boss happy?

جزاكم الله

Question added by Ray F , Senior Manager, Technology Planning, Crisis Management and Business Continuity. , Ontario Health
Date Posted: 2016/05/15
Khaled Abdalla
by Khaled Abdalla , IT, R&D director , KAN

usually you need to set the stage right from the begining my friend

at starrt of the project u need to call up a meeting explain to all department heads their duties and responsibilities

this must happen in a corporate meeting chaired by the CEO himself and board members

in this meeting you must get a 10 minutes at least session clearly showing what is expected from whome when and why 

the CEO should clearly show and extend his support and clearly state that this project is a corporate prioroty as it affects himself and his position as well as organisation ratings and if work for a bank definitly thier compliance ratings and customers money and insurance rate

once this said upfront monthly, weekly or biweekly u send a followup report showing project progress with nice colors for compliant departments to the CEO and CC all department heads

and you will end up seeing people fighting to get ur approval and their department readiness rating bst thing possible in front of their management

to me it seems u have miss placed yourself in the organisation from the start

this is a top level project and must get top level buyout and support

if you can not do this you will end up being played as you mentioned

however now that the situation is as you describe you need a remediation plan in place and this remediation plan require you to re put the saddle on the horse right

in my openion you do not report to the board or a memebr in the board if this is how they treat u now

so i recommend that you ask for a meeting with your boss and explain to him the situation and ask him to setup the aforementioned meeting

do not complain or through stones at anybody rather do a 10 minutes session about the project and ask the CEO to show support and explain importance of the work you do

otherwise you better change the workplace to somewhere eles where you can set things right from the beginning



Thevaraju Yallaiah
by Thevaraju Yallaiah , Material Controller , Jurong Engineering Limited

Support them with own skill superior together to guide them for good performance as team work for gain the knowledge and achive the target point in safe and good manner 

carole sfeir
by carole sfeir , Senior architect , EGA

It's all from the begining, you should be guiding the teams in a better way reference to the agreed schedule.

if any problem happens, you should choose between adding new human resources, shfting schedule, or enhancing budget... in another words you should have PLAN B

by MOHAMMED ALI , Production Incharge , Falcon Pack Industry LLC

Its about relationship with the office colleagues to help each other to reach company goals

by SUBUGA IDDI IDDI , Logistics Oficer , FIDA International /Finnish Mission Ugabda

Its all about communicating the organizational goals, and objectives to all team members. In project management, cross-functional team leadership is every paramount to an extend that atleast all team members must be in the know of what each member is doing. Therefore, reqular updates on the activities of the organization must be shared amomg team members so that delays by one team should not change the scope, time frame and the financial state of the project

Dennis Omenka
by Dennis Omenka , Process Engineer , FHN 26 Ltd

It all about leadership and communication skills. I will deploy my skills in crisis management and transformative leadership skills in which i will win respect of followership by developing capacity that brings transformation to an organization. That is what will engender coperation of all to deliver the corporate objective of the business.

Mohammed     EL- Heliebi
by Mohammed EL- Heliebi , Consultant & CEO , Egydragon Nerdfid Corp ( EDN )

Getting staff members from another team to fulfill their responsibilities related to your project requires effective communication, collaboration, and coordination. Here's how I would approach it:

  1. Understand Their Priorities: Start by understanding the workload and priorities of the staff members from the other team. Recognize that they may have their own projects and tasks to manage.

  2. Establish Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate the specific tasks or deliverables that you need from them for your project. Explain the importance of their contributions and how it aligns with the overall goals and objectives.

  3. Highlight Mutual Benefits: Emphasize how their involvement in your project can benefit both teams or the organization as a whole. Show how their expertise or resources can enhance the project's success and contribute to achieving shared objectives.

  4. Build Relationships: Cultivate positive relationships with the staff members from the other team. Establishing rapport and trust can facilitate cooperation and willingness to collaborate.

  5. Provide Support and Resources: Offer any necessary support, resources, or assistance to help them fulfill their responsibilities effectively. This may include providing training, access to relevant information or tools, or addressing any concerns or challenges they may encounter.

  6. Follow Up Regularly: Keep lines of communication open and follow up regularly to monitor progress, address any issues or obstacles, and provide feedback or guidance as needed. Regular check-ins demonstrate your commitment to the project's success and ensure that everyone remains aligned.

  7. Acknowledge and Appreciate: Recognize and appreciate the contributions of the staff members from the other team. Acknowledge their efforts and achievements, both publicly and privately, to motivate continued engagement and foster a positive working relationship.

  8. Resolve Conflicts Constructively: In case of any conflicts or disagreements, approach them with a problem-solving mindset and seek mutually agreeable solutions. Focus on maintaining open communication, finding common ground, and prioritizing the project's objectives.

By employing these strategies, you can effectively engage staff members from another team and encourage them to fulfill their job portion related to your project, ultimately driving success and achieving project goals.

Karthik Muthuvel
by Karthik Muthuvel , Process Expert , cma cgm

I can still set objectives with my staff by initiating a conversation. Start by discussing their roles, responsibilities, and goals. Listen to their input and understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Together, establish clear, achievable objectives aligned with the team's and company's goals. Regular check-ins can help monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. While formal PDRs are beneficial, proactive communication and collaboration ensure everyone is on track and working towards success.

abderrahim el khalifi
by abderrahim el khalifi , Managing Director chez KITEA GROUP , KITEA GROUP

with motivation and relationships, and also by the atmosphere that must be created in the team

Muhammad Safdar Tahir
by Muhammad Safdar Tahir , Primary School Teacher , school education department punjab

Build rapport, clarify shared goals, communicate benefits, offer assistance, show appreciation, and collaborate on solutions. Align interests, highlight impact, and ensure mutual support for successful task completion.

Tarek Jabr
by Tarek Jabr , D.O.P , Studio plaza

  1. Communicate Clearly: Clearly communicate the expectations and requirements for their involvement in your project. Ensure they understand the importance of their role in achieving the project's goals.

  2. Highlight Benefits: Explain how their contributions to the project will benefit their team, the organization, and possibly their own career development.

  3. Build Relationships: Establish a positive working relationship with the staff members and their team leaders. Building rapport can make it easier to collaborate effectively.

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