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Customer retention is an essential part of a service business model because existing customers are easier to upsell and more profitable than constantly acquiring new customers while having a high turnover
Call your clients regularly
Create valuable content
Become an authority in your field
Reply to your emails promptly
Be decisive
Value your client's point-of-view
Add a personal touch
Be realistic and do not over promise
Identifying opportunities proactively
Be clear and transparent
Repeated question and therafter more of excellent and creative answers. Nothing to add...thanks
1) Ask your customers what they want and the abundance of them time and time again.
2) Reduce the promises and more performance where customers expect you to relate to your.
3) Let your answer is always yes to the customer whenever a service request.
4) Push the staff who provide the service as if they were partners for you.
5) showed respect for people and be nice because that leads to success.
6) Follow the Japanese or her good looks and methods in line with the environment.
There is no doubt that the head start to success and excellence in customer service has earned it the Japanese undisputed most important thing succeeded by the Japanese is to know the client
Or knowledge of the client's needs Vtjd corporate officers Alaapianih for any occasion or meeting trying hard to identify the social situation and customs in the communities and then find them then write down what they received information from the understanding that work trying to figure out the needs of the customer.
I agree with M's Suhair answers, thanks for the invitation. .
I support the answer given by Mrs. Suhair
by Creating a form to get what customers like, and improve the work procedures to keep them happy
thanks invite. .............Support answer Mr Georgia
By handling them politely and keep up my work stranded with a good maintenance.