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Creative People.
People who have the spirit to compite and challenge the circumictances .
People with excellent knowleadge.
People who capture opportunities.
Anyone I would say can become a businees. All you need to do is be smart in identifying the right concept for you- depending on available funding, competition, target customers, etc. Plan it through and then put your mind and your heart behind it. You can always learn as you grow.
Success in this field can be measured by looking at both personal achievement of a businessman, and the overall health of the businesses that person has been a part of. The two are often intertwined quite deeply, as the attainment of company-wide goals begins with the work a person puts into their own success.
Have a Vision, Mission & life Objectives.
Ensure financial discipline.
Ensure integrity, ethics & self-knowledge
Being mentally, physically & geographically mobile in ordser to exploit opportunities.
Positive attitude & enthusiasm.
Openess & willingness to change & learn
Accepting & maturely dealing with constructive criticism.
Good communication skills.
Thanx for the invitation
Who is implementing different stratgies from others.
Alternative thinking and knowledge.
Anyone could be regardless educations or experiences but financial stability is important.