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There are different ways to motivate unmotivated students for whom you can choose different projects. You must me Diplomatic, confidence, concepts of generalization, socialization, you should also be hospitable to your unmotivated students and you should make creative, interesting and motivated projects to refresh them. While motivating the unmotivated students you have to see Time, Attention, Relevance, Defining a Win. Make sure you have lots of patience.
Here are the some Motivation Strategies:
Get Perspective!
Get an Attitude!
Get Competitive!
Get Your Eye on the Prize!
Get Support!
As a teacher you need to foster an environment where it is safe for a student to fail, but not allow that failure to define them. You can do this by:
Providing immediate feedback (both positive and negative)
Asking reflective questions such as, “What did we learn from this?”
Providing opportunities for the students to succeed by giving them little goals to reach
Reminding the students of their past successes
Encouraging them to stretch beyond their comfort level and not just give them the answers
Celebrating good attitude and effort more than you celebrate success and results.
افضل شىء لعلاج المشكله تحديد سبب المشكله بشكل دقيق جدا
بحيث نعرف هل السبب فى ذالك من طريقتى للدرس - او السبب الطالب الحصه متأخرة فى اخر اليوم الدراسى - او ان الطلاب مثلا لديه بعض الاسباب الفسيولوجيه - كالحاجه الى الطعام او الماء الخ او لديه سبب نفسى مشكله نفسه
وعندما نستطيع معرفة السبب بذالك يمكننا ايجاد العديد من الحلول والحلول البديه او اسئلة خبراء وسوف اجيب عن السؤال انشاء الله وفقكى الله
First look and find about the situation 'why a particular student is unmotivated?' then you can motivate that student. For clarification, please prefer answer of Yazan and Timsina.
put him in a conflict with himself
make him face to face with his proplems
Reinforcement is a method to motivate children. Delivering Gift for tallented chidren will make a unmotivated student to combitate. Always start each day with attracted things or stories... Link every topics with natural surrounding which is observable by them.
From my experience, I found working with a group of unmotivated students or an unmotivated individual student on an activity for a special event, for instance to recite a poem for the school assembly or take part in a play is extremely motivating.Once he recognizes his potential, he will be intrinsically motivated.
I would like to find out the reasons for the unmotivated student. Then I would try to eliminate the reasons. I would create interesting learning/gaming activities for the student with consultation of the unmotivated student. I would prove to the student that I am interested to create better future life for him/her. I would consult parents, other teachers, and experts in the field for planning, not only to motivate the student but also to inspire the student to take charge of his/her own learning. It will take time. It will need also patient, and continued reviewing, testing, planning again and again, providing encouragement and support to the student.
Assess your student, observe for any difficulties that she/he is experiencing, deal with the problem and as much as possible, include him/her in decision making and in choosing alternatives that will make him/her motivated.
You must also assess your teaching strategy, change your style if needed.