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What are different names(synonyms) of Treaty with respective to International Law?

Question added by Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad
Date Posted: 2016/07/24
Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
by Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


I am with your answer Mr. Mohammad 

مها شرف
by مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

I agree with your answer. Thanks for the invitation. 

Gayasuddin Mohammed
by Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

Treaty, Agreement, Protocal, Convention, covenents, etc. Thanks.

Farhana Siddique Fari
by Farhana Siddique Fari , Coordinator , Coordinator at DFA, Dr Fazeela Abbasi, Advanced Skin, Laser & Hair Institute, Islamabad.

A 'Smart' Question indeed!

I fully endorse your constructive submission Mr.  Gayasuddin Mohammed. Thanks.

Daniel Beneberu
by Daniel Beneberu , Assistant Inspector , Federal Supreme Court Of Ethiopia

The different synonyms for Treaty with respect to International Law are; Charter, Pact,Convention, Covenant, Accord ... etc

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