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How do you handle office politics ?

Question added by Faisal Nawab , Community Facilities Manager , Cinqo Group
Date Posted: 2016/10/20
Taofeek Tobi Daniel Daniel
by Taofeek Tobi Daniel Daniel , Administrator , Sinohydro

Make friends

To fix a toxic work culture, you need to get involved. Studies show that when people feel they don’t belong in a group, their physical health and wellbeing plummets – so, if you’re feeling isolated or excluded by negative office politics, it makes sense to try to make friends.

Document your time

When you are subject to colleagues’ political tactics – such as taking credit for your work – it’s important not to retaliate.

Don’t sink to their level

When colleagues try to make you look bad or undermine you, it’s tempting to do likewise. However, this can backfire: you may come across as petty, and is unlikely to change your boss or co-worker’s behaviour. A better way to deal with difficult colleagues is to ask them for a private conversation.

Change the culture from within

Office politics should be looked at as something that can be reframed into a positive.

Go it alone

For some people, the effort of attempting to navigate and even change poor office politics is too much of an uphill battle. If you try the tips above and still find your office a nightmare, there is a simpler option: ditch the co-workers entirely by working for yourself.

Stick to your goal.. listen to everyone but dont comment unnessarily.. Ascertain teh situation and act accordingly

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