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What are advantages and disadvantages of vsat installations?

Question added by mali stanley
Date Posted: 2016/10/27
Mohamad Sony
by Mohamad Sony , Head

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kelebihan vsat :

- tidak terbatas dengan tempat dimana pun 

- menjangkau tempat terpencil yang tidak ada fasilitas atau jaringan telekomunikasi


kekurangan vsat :

- biaya yang lebihh mahal dibandingkan dengan sistem telekomunikasi terestrial

pradeep kumar reddy palla
by pradeep kumar reddy palla , Network Engineer , Rtech communications(HCL COMNET LTD)

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advantage is its wire less

we can work this equipment at any feasible locations

less consumption of money

less time to resolve the problem

less number of parts

comminication can be done by sttellite communication


low bandwidth

when any cloudy situations it might not work properly


less speed



Arnel Baluyo
by Arnel Baluyo , TAQNIA SPACE Company

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The advantage are easier to set-up communication system even on remote locations without communication facilities,point to multi-point connectivity are common topologies, is not prone for environment frequency interference from other communications system because of high frequency range, multi apllications can be transmitted over a single carrier such voice,data,internet  and TV broadcast over satellite(DVBS).

The main dis-advantage are cost of transponder bandwidth least, signal is affected by heavy rain and prone for interference from other carrier transmtting without caution and if not properly commissioned with satellite provider. 

ali sleiman
by ali sleiman , Technical Engineer , Techpunto

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the advantage is that can provide internet service in very hard area where there is no land line or fiber network or ISP provider such a lot of Africa place. Another advantage is the time required to install and establish a network and connection to the internet. within very short time we can have access to internet and establish communication which is very important in some area where maybe we have crisis or war or some conflict.

the disadvantage of VSAT is the price of internet .it is a little expensive than other networks. Even with O3b Vsat network, the latency on Vsat still higher than fiber have some interference with terrestrial frequency.

the quality of the connection is not so good in bad weather and rain expect CBand frequency.

the cost of the equipment need to be installed especially if we need a high speed, because we will need to install bigger dish with auto track system to guarantee the service.



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