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You can install a basic implementation of Google Analytics via Tag Manager in six steps:
1. In Google Tag Manager, select ‘Create Tag’ and then choose the Google Analytics tag template.
2. Select ‘Universal Analytics’.
3. Configure your tag by naming it. We suggest naming it "GA Pageview."
4. Then add your Google Analytics property ID or your gaProperty variable.
5. Finally, choose the Track Type, which in this case, should be the most common type of tracking: ‘Page View.’
6. Choose your firing triggers. For a basic Google analytics implementation. Select ‘All Pages’.
Once you've defined a measurement plan, you'll need to create a container and place the GTM container code on your website. Then, you can install a basic implementation of Google Analytics via Tag Manager in four steps: In Google Tag Manager, select 'Create Tag' and then choose the Google Analytics tag template.