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If your boss assign you a task and gives you a deadline. You are pretty sure that you can not do that task within that time line. What should you do?

Question added by Jahanzaib Ali , Operations Manager , Risan Engineering Industries (Pvt.) Limited
Date Posted: 2016/12/30
Main Alkhazaleh
by Main Alkhazaleh , Technical Furniture Design & Product Development Specialist , Protech

Approach your boss with honesty. Explain your concerns about the given timeline and the reasons why you believe it might be challenging to complete the task within that timeframe, If possible, offer potential solutions or alternatives. This could include extending the deadline, reallocating resources, or prioritizing certain aspects of the task to meet the immediate requirements.

Ganesh  Mirajkar
by Ganesh Mirajkar , Warehouse Manager , Luxury Living & Supplies / Katara Hospitality - Qatar, Lusail

You should communicate with your boss as soon as possible, explaining your concerns about the timeline and proposing a more realistic deadline. Communication is key to managing expectations and finding a solution.

by MUHAMMAD AFNAN , Operations And Sales Manager , Sigma

  1. Assess Realistically: Carefully review the task's requirements and the allocated deadline. Make an honest assessment of whether completing the task within the given timeframe is feasible without compromising the quality of your work or causing undue stress.

  2. Prioritize and Break Down: Break down the task into smaller components and identify the critical aspects that must be completed within the given timeline. This will help you determine if there are any possibilities of meeting partial deadlines or focusing on essential elements first.

  3. Communicate Proactively: Reach out to your boss in a timely manner, preferably as soon as you realize the challenge posed by the deadline. Clearly and respectfully explain your concerns about the feasibility of completing the task within the given timeframe. Use specific points to illustrate why the timeline might be tight and offer a realistic estimate of how long you believe the task will take.

  4. Provide Alternatives: Alongside expressing your concerns, propose potential solutions or alternatives. This might include adjusting the deadline, reallocating resources, or seeking additional support from colleagues. Offering viable alternatives demonstrates your commitment to finding a way to deliver quality work while maintaining transparency.

  5. Show Willingness to Adapt: Express your willingness to work closely with your boss to explore options that ensure the successful completion of the task. Emphasize your dedication to delivering a quality outcome while also meeting the team's expectations.

  6. Manage Expectations: If it turns out that the deadline cannot be extended or resources reallocated, manage expectations by discussing potential compromises. Be clear about what can be realistically achieved within the given timeframe and ensure that everyone is aligned on the scope of work.

  7. Plan Moving Forward: Regardless of the outcome, use this situation as an opportunity to improve your planning and time management skills. Reflect on what factors led to the unrealistic estimation and how you can avoid such situations in the future.

Remember, open communication and professionalism are key. Honesty about your concerns, paired with a proactive approach to finding solutions, demonstrates your commitment to your work and your team's success.

Osama abd-elaziz farouk  Ahmed
by Osama abd-elaziz farouk Ahmed , مساعد مدير اداري , مستشفى منابر النور التخصصي

I will ask my boss to extend the time period based on the nature of the required tasks.

I will inform my boss of the technical aspects of the task and tell him that the task assigned can not be done in the specified time line. If provided an extra hand with expertise, only then it may be possible to finish the task in time.

Amir Raja
by Amir Raja , Assistant Housekeeping Manager , Al Andalus Mall Hotel.

Making plan, sharing with team and getting ideas to finish the task on time with quality.

Mohamed Junaid
by Mohamed Junaid , مدير التشغيل , مؤسسة بصر التجارية

In order to gain time, we start the task assigned to him with the maximum possible energy and the highest possible concentration

I will ask him to give me more time to finish the work , and if that is no way I should work hard more to finish it in the time he ask 

by AMEEN UR RASHEED , Site Engineer Site Supervisor , OGDCL

Tell him/her that you are going to do your best but it may not be possible for you to finish the work in the given time frame.

Lay out the approach and methods your will work upon to showcase the structure and forecast the nearest agreeeable date

Wasi Scorpio
by Wasi Scorpio , Online Software Support Executive , Finsys International

Sir give some more time if you want perfect work

Nipuni Payagala
by Nipuni Payagala , Director & Brand Creative Lead , EvilCat Lab

Speak to the boss and be frank with the situation at hand. Say that you are going to try your best but the timeline is not practical unless you get some support from another colleague. If it is mandatory to complete within the given timeframe, discuss with the boss and layout a plan of action on how to best allocate resources, methods and time to proceed.

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