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In hiring, should we consider the candidate's existing knowledge or his ability to be trained in related to salary offer?

Question added by Marvin Lomanog , Head Of HR And Administration , Dr. Klippe Philippines Corporation
Date Posted: 2017/01/03
Loay khalil
by Loay khalil , IT Manager , Nahj El Khayal ( Al Othiam Group ) KSA

Thanks for invitation  Mr.Marvian

When i should try to Hiring new employee with my team I have more steps to accepting him and he also accept my company.

- I try to filtration his C.V carefully before I meet him.

-  After that, I see his Specialist how many (Right) years in experience.

-  see my budget for this position and comparing with last salary he tacks.

- About experience year each year have package if he fresh graduated have something else.

- after that meet him in formal interview and I talking with him about my company condition and this the offer and I can Rises by 2%  or more like i can do and left him to tracking his Decision.

Why all of that couze if have Experience more 10 year and I give him each year 100 hundred by local currency I will Mack more cost for my company and we need cost deduction if he like the offer he accept us and he will work hardily .




Marvin Lomanog
by Marvin Lomanog , Head Of HR And Administration , Dr. Klippe Philippines Corporation

Thank you guys for accepting the invitation and have answered to the question.  i need further clarification if you may comment.


Most Organizations now are aiming to cut down manning cost.  What if a company is looking for 10/10 qualification and here comes a candidate with 7/10 qualifications asking a salary package 30% lesser the budget.. 3/10 qualification is trainable given the time.. should i hire the candidate?

Maher Ahmad
by Maher Ahmad , Head of Planning and Training Division , MOH

Thank you for the invitation.

Of course knowledge and skills must be available to the employee and appropriate to the tasks the job, but he is training to fill any shortage or gap between the skills and tasks.

Donnabel Principe
by Donnabel Principe , Front Office Manager , Golden Tulip Downtown Abu Dhabi

I believe that the existing knowledge of the applicant/candidate is the initial information an HR can have to see if they can be trained or till which level they can be trained.


Existing knowledge not only on what is written on the candidate's CV but the way they answer the questions (if what is written is what was learned).  As I have experienced, there are candidates who don't know what they have mentioned in their CV's.

Bader AL Hatrash
by Bader AL Hatrash , Birkman Independent Consultant , Independent Consultant

it should be based on his/her skills, ability to learn, and related knowledge. knowledge relevant to work he/she learned through books or studays, as no one will be 100% perfect to be on the job from the first day and for that you need strong leadership in your organization management where they should make sure they transfer the job keys to the newly hired within the first three months (coaching).    

Manasa Kaslekar
by Manasa Kaslekar , Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist , Smyth and Bradshaw

Depends on whether its niche skills or not. Niche skills experienced is better and generic skills traning costs lesser than experienced worker package

Nukul Yadav SPHRi™
by Nukul Yadav SPHRi™ , Senior Manager - Global HR , Real Cloud |Next Generation Cloud Platform

Thanks for the invitation, before responding would like to mention that the answer can't be same for all levels. For a junior most person, a person at managerial level & someone at board level, all will have different responsibilities even if they have same skill requirement in common the requirement ratio of the skill could vary significantly. 


You can expect as many views as many minds exists. To be very precise the answer is to carry out a cost & benefit analysis. Which will lead you to right answer. The analysis would include various things like existing team/org. structure, the role & duties incumbent is expected to perform & the strategic view (functionally & from org. point).

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

it is dependent on co. budget and strategy


Ali Ahmad SHRM-SCP
by Ali Ahmad SHRM-SCP , Human Capital Performance Leader , Rua Al Madinah Holding (PIF)

Both must be considered but greater weightage is ofcourse on his/ her existing knowledge and skills. A company is not a training school but a place where a knowledge base already exists in the employees - which gets further polished by training programs.

Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD)
by Ashraf E. Mahmoud (PhD) , University Lecturer, Freelancer Consultant and Trainer for Int'l Business & Banking TF. , FreeLancer

Thanks for invitation,

I do believe that, we have to consider "BOTH"

As his existing knowledge will give an indications for his "Present Qualifications",  and his ability to be trained will give an indications for his "Career Path" in the near future.

Tariq Omer
by Tariq Omer , Sr. Trainer and Consultant Insurance , Watan First Institute

This will depend on the situation of urgency and importance

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