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Some people have a thought that dynamic sites result more in SEO, Can anyone share their opinion in this?

Question added by Rini Mohandas , SEO specialist , Boopin
Date Posted: 2017/01/07
Rameez Bin Abdul Majeed
by Rameez Bin Abdul Majeed , Digital Marketing Manager , Muscat Higher Education Centre

Google doesn't care about if you use static or dynamic content for your pages because Google bots analyze the final HTML. That's why a full HTML/CSS (without PHP) website can rank very well on Google.

However, Google likes fresh content but dynamic content and fresh content are different things. I encourage you to often add new pages on your website to tell Google your website is alive.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Honestly, it doesnt matter if the website is static of dynamic. You need good content and user friendliness to have higher traffic. :) 

Farooq Ahmed
by Farooq Ahmed , Senior SEO Manager , Data Ladder

Doesn't matter website is dynamic or static, it will rank on its own value. If you have good content and people like it might rank better. If you have a dynamic site you might need technical seo skills to resolve issues.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Thank You for inviting me.


Yes & No.

YES, If one does a probability analysis Dynamic sites trend to rank better compared to static sites.

NO, SEO ranking has got nothing to do with it being Dynamic or Static.


The silent player here is content and how frequently it is changed/ updated. Dynamic sites are generally set-up with so that contents can be changed/ updated very frequently and easily. and due to the regular chnage in content it ranks better.


On a static site if you do change/ update contents regularly (about  3 times a week at least) and use robot.txt to prevent the crawler from crawling unwanted pages, it will put you in the same league as the dynamic one. 

(it will be easier if you use a dynamic site but not essential)

Stanley Mathew Mbiydzenyuy
by Stanley Mathew Mbiydzenyuy , SEO and digital marketing Director , SEO Elites Ltd

Server-side scripting is part of technical SEO. Therefore on it's own is waste of time.

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