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I don't think so. Business development involves current position analysis (SWOT, PEST), planning, execution, & performance monitoring which ffeds back to the analysis phase. Follow-up is part of the performance monitoring and relying on it90% of the time will result in responsive decisions more than any thing else.
Yes definitely, in the process of follow up, you will a better idea, if the customer is still interested in your company's proposal, or if he is looking for something else.
It also gives the Business Development Manager or officer to create a rapport with the prospective client, who can also direct you to others.
The main point here is how you handle the client's requirement or low requirement and transform it into his need. This is possible, only if you understand your client, through follow up.
Once a sales lead is created normally it does not meterialise into a sale immediately. One has to follow up with the prospect, personally if possible ar at least over the phone, by SMS or email. The sales man hasto creatre a rapport with the prospective custoemr. Has to convice the customer about the product and the service concept. Has to create the urge for sale , has to look for closing signals from the custoemer and then close the sale.