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What can be the best advice for a medium level based company to improve their market instantly with the help of internet?

Question added by Rini Mohandas , SEO specialist , Boopin
Date Posted: 2017/01/08
mohammad rafiq billa
by mohammad rafiq billa , System Support Engineer , face computer services kausr

make apps and ad page on web page of company 

Newton Isaac
by Newton Isaac , Driver , Nova Group Limited

One of the core values at my company is "Test everything; assume nothing!" That's because we know that after all these years on the internet, you just never know what strategy or angle is going to work best for you...until you test it. This applies even to your star-performing strategies, because there's always room for improvement.

The bottom line is, testing is the only way to discover what works--and what doesn't--on your website, and it's the best way to start increasing your sales exponentially. And if you take the plunge and use just one of the following tests, you'll learn just how true this is, especially when you start seeing a dramatic improvement to your bottom line.

Test #1: Offer just one product or service on your home page. Do you sell a number of products or services on your website? If so, I'd strongly recommend you test whether or not this is the best strategy for you. We've found that offering fewer products in one place with more copy describing those products always translates into higher sales.

It's all about focus. Instead of trying to please everyone who visits your site by offering a large range of products with minimal detail about each one, if you offer just one product--or one set of related products--you can really focus on one key set of benefits and answer all the possible questions and doubts your visitors might have about your product. And you don't have to stop selling your other products--you can always offer them to your customers from other web pages or by using follow-up offers ( see Test #12 )

Of course, the only way to find out for sure if this will work with your target audience is to test it! Write a sales letter for your lead product, and put it on your home page. Then run the test for a week or two to see how it increases your sales.

Test #2: Reposition your opt-in offer to boost your opt-ins and build a bigger list of loyal subscribers. Your opt-in offer is your tool for gathering your customers' e-mail addresses and building your e-mail list, which allows you to regularly keep in touch with your subscribers, build relationships of trust and loyalty, and sell them your products or services.

But did you know that where your opt-in offer appears on your site can have a huge impact on how many subscribers you attract?

If you don't use a long sales letter, test placing your opt-in offer in as prominent a position as possible on your home page--the top left of a page is where visitors' eyes are often drawn first. At the very least, test placing your opt-in in the "top fold" of your home page--the area of screen first visible to a visitor before they scroll down the page.

If you have a long sales letter, you should test placing your opt-in offer within your second "page" of text--after you've grabbed your visitors' attention by identifying a problem they have and established your credibility by impressing them with your credentials, experience and glowing testimonials from happy customers.

You should also test placing your opt-in offer on every page of your site so it's always in front of your visitors, and try placing it in a "hover ad" (see below). The more sign-up opportunities you provide, the more subscribers you're likely to get. Test it and see.

Haseeb ul rehman munawar hussain
by Haseeb ul rehman munawar hussain , sales man , service

to invest money in advertising and create a website to sales online and advertisethe web here and there and more the traffic come there will be an improvement in the market 

by DR MD ANWAR HOSSAIN , Moderator ,

Thank you. I agree with experts & looking forward to new answers. 

Making a major new database

Sherjeel Khalid
by Sherjeel Khalid , Senior Manager , nordcloud

Invest in digital advertising as it is easy to measure and cheaper to start with.

Thanks for invitations ,


Internet is force and future of marketing .

Internet is force now days and the way user count is growing and usages growth is going to make other modes communication very soon.

The conventional marketing or traditional marketing is getting less attention as humans are getting more busy and multi tasking day by day.

in current scenario small and medium level of companies can get huge benefits and increase in sales through internet marketing.

Below mention ways can be used for low cost marketing and ensure increase in sales.

A :- Email marketing is a good tool for high end products with customised content based on customer profile.  Various companies are providing this services.

B:- Social Media marketing is another good tool of promotion of product and increase sales in a short span. Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Blogging etc. can be used effectively for promotional activity without investing much.

C:- Content marketing is a powerful tool. Content Marketing fuels many of the inbound marketing techniques like search engine optimisation, social media marketing, 'lead magnets' for site registration and triggered email sequences.

D:- Paid advertisement can be used if marketing budget allows the same.

My recommendations is social media

We need to ensure  website for the company, attractive design , daily or weekly update of website , creating Facebook page. Using graphics and designs. Creating a blog. Smartly using twitter and Facebook for attaching and linking blogs, pages etc.

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