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What is the advantage of dealing with an angry client over the phone? What is the disadvantage of dealing with an angry client over the phone?

Question added by mmabatho mothibe
Date Posted: 2017/01/13
Malcolm Lewis MBA CAMS

Advantage: Understand the root cause of their anger, the flaws/deficiencies in our service and seek to correct it, for good.

A leson in patience, composure and expertise.

Disadvantage: Irate clients tend to be hurried and need immediate resolution. There are ways to pacify them. This shall be a disadvantage only if the organization's service quality is inadequate and has no resolution.

Attaullah Siddiqui
by Attaullah Siddiqui , Manager Contact Center Operations , Ufone Subsidiary of Etisalat

The advantage would be an immediate approach to the client and a close coordination with repsect to the clients issue which helps showing your concern and dedication towards a clent resulting in client loyality with the organization. However, this would also depend on the nature of the problem which has caused the client aggression and the decision has to be made keeping in view the nature of job, requirement of physical presence and the type and portfolio of the client. 


The advantage of dealing with an angry client over the phone is that I can prove to the client that his or her anger wo'nt affect the respectful-way of dealing with her and that my patience will always be composed. 

The disadvantage of dealing with an angry client over the phone is that the client might not listen to me and keep on arguing, but handling an angry client in a well mannered way will let the client realize that there is no point in being angry, especially if she gets the right information that he is she wants to know.

Chrismar Pacumio
by Chrismar Pacumio , Billing and Sales Expert , ATT

The advatange of dealing with an angry client over the phone is that you will be able to show off your skills, knowledge and expertise. By doing that you will regain client trust back. Disadvantage will be hard to gain trust of the client simply because their not listening.

Alexander Erewele
by Alexander Erewele , Assistant Manager , ConSol Limited

It gives the client to sole opportunity of venting all his/her worries without reservation.

Also it gives the recipient the opportunity of testing their patience and professionalism.


The disadvantage of dealing with client over the phone is that expressions such as heavy breathing and ambiance noise can be misrepresented

zohaib aslam
by zohaib aslam , Assistant Administrator / Document Controller , Ghantoot Group

The main advantage of dealing the customer on the phone is that you can save the customer time and also your time.

The main disadvantage of dealing customer on the phone is that you can't show him your face expression and you can't satisfy him enough to resolve the issue.

by SHABBIR AHMAD , marketing manager , KZ communications

on phone,customer will not be satisfied.

Karim Salameh
by Karim Salameh , Senior Key Account Supervisor , PepsiCo. Inernational


- Distance form the physical presence

- Lack of facial expressions 

- Conflict of explanation

- Harder effort to persuade and convince 

- In-ability to establish trust effectively


- Distance from the client

- Ability to convey message vocally instead of vocally and physically

- Better ability to actively listen

- Longer time space to solve the problem due to physical abscence

- Ability to follow up by a click of a button


Deleted user
by Deleted user

The advantage of dealing with angry clients over the phone is, you can always read from your cheat sheets or get coaching from your manager in handling them. However, there is a need to sound sincere in solving the problem and giving them the right solutions.

The disadvantage of dealing with angry clients over the phone is, interpersonal communications is always better when in person. It gives us the direct connection with our clients by interpreting their non-verbal communications, and responding to them appropriately.

hassan el said hassan atia Atia
by hassan el said hassan atia Atia , رئيس قسم التسويق وخدمه العملاء شركه مصر للاستثمارات , شركه مصر للاستثمارات الماليه

By following the client daily there is no angry client

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