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If two candidates are equally qualified then i will decide on the extra factor like attitude, stability, adaptability, etc etc.
Well. At that time I will increase rise up the hiring requirements to choose one of them who will pass high level
We as recruiters generally come across situations when two or more candidates are equally qualified. That is the reason we have screening processes called personal interviews. In these interviews, recruiter can access a candidate's attitude, future plans, situation handling skills and his/her eagerness to take up the job. There are rare chances that even after personal interview, we get 2 identical candidates. Should such a situation arise, a recruiter should go for the candidate who finds the job more challenging; even if he/she is less qualified than the other. This would ensure that once the candidate joins, he/she is always engaged.
See to work under pressure
And teamwork
And the ability to work with modern Altknulogial
Thanks for invitation,
In a very precise wording;
to whom is capable with "The Job Description" needed.
from interview and make test for them to choose the better one
I strongly agree with the answer provided by Mr. Marwan Mohamed Mahmoud
Yes, the fact is no two candidates could be equal in their qualification; besides, other variations and factors are there to help the recruiter choose who is required to occupy a certain vacant job.
If one of them is woman, she will get priority in Asia, Middle East or African context as woman representation is less in these region.
In case of same Gender, I would like to see the other attributes like rating/perception of the University where he/she got his/her undergraduate and or postgraduate degree, communication skills and proven networking skills
I agree with the answer of our specialists here.....................
Attitude, experience, adaptability, communication & soft skills will distinguish one of those from other.