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What are the actions taken if you discover that your team leader is working for another company's favor?

There are necessary procedures have to be taken from the employee/ member team when he or she finds out that the team leader works to favor of another company . Kindly could you clarify those procedures may be adopted immediately.

Question added by Sattar Abdulkarim Mohamed , Country Sales Director , Ideal Technical Solutions
Date Posted: 2017/02/17
Ghassan Alawna
by Ghassan Alawna , Students Senior supervisor , Ameican University of Sharjah

This means he is not loyal and action should to be taken by high management against him

Muwaffaq NoufaL
by Muwaffaq NoufaL , Business Executive Manager , CBU Indu. &trade Co

" In some cases, dismissal may seem an insufficient sanction, particularly where the scope of the employee’s moonlighting activities has been extensive and the employee has been diverting business away from his or her employer. So can the employer seek financial recompense for the employee’s breach of obligations?

If the employee has breached his or her contract, then the employer may be able to bring a claim. However, any damages awarded are typically calculated to put the employer in the position that it would have been in had the contract been properly performed.

In many cases, it can be difficult to establish that the employer has suffered any sort of financial loss if the employee is carrying out other work that has no direct financial impact on his or her employer. Analyse whether or not you can show that the scope of the employee’s competing activities has gone so far as to take business away from your company before embarking on litigation.

If the employee’s activities have not caused direct impact, then a claim for breach of contract may be of limited use. However, where an employer can establish that one of its employees owes fiduciary duties, then there is greater scope for remedial action."

Quoted from an article by James Green 

by VAIBHAV PAL , Digitala marketing trainee , aryson technologies pvt ltd

If my leader is doing such a shameful act. Then firstly I ask about the matter and tell to stop all this as these things are not made for good people. I enhance and encourage my leader to start with something new and give some time. If he/she continues doing this then I inform to the senior staff of the company.

primrose mabhena
by primrose mabhena , Nanny , in house

supervisor is a person who monitors more than one team and has more experience than those he supervises and a team leader is one who is a fast and active participant. he or she may be part of the team

by PRADEEP MEHRA , CEO , Angel international Inc.

Sack him and don't pay any compensations.

Prasanth C
by Prasanth C , Cluster Head Branch Banking , CSB Bank Ltd

1. Do a complete dudilegence from HR for genuiness of the fact that team leader is working for other company

2. If Yes then stratight take the disciplianary action and terminate from the services as this is absolute integrity of the individual. 

Hemant Chalke
by Hemant Chalke , Director – FM & Security , Al Anadee Contracting Company

1.  Suspend the person immediatly and Talk to him or her and find out WHY

2.  Dismissal and terminations etc. could be policies but you need to know WHY this was done if possible so the root cause is addressed.

3.  Employee contracts should specify this clause too

Primrose Maleele
by Primrose Maleele , HR Assistant , Kotswana Enterprises

Before accusing himwith heresay infomation, i will gather infomation and take action after proven facts and cocrete evidence,i will gather relavent documentation, communication ,behaviour that points that my team leader is working for other company's favour.I will verify the facts thoughly to make sure im not misinterpreting the situation,After investigating and confident that the team leader was acting unethically i will report the matter to the high management,I will maintain confidentiality to avoid unnessesary gossip or damage to reputation of my team leader,i will avoid discussing the matter with colleques who are not directly involved in handling the issue.even after reporting to higher management i will monitor the situation to ensure no  further breaches occurs,in the mean time i will prepare for the outcome ,and focus on my team ensuring that even if we lose the team leader as the outcomes of his wrongfullness we continue work towards our goal,i will provide the nessesary support to them

First of all if u need him or he have qualities so ask to him you r working in our company and you r favoring another company Why? you have salary problem r you r not satisfied in our management. First you have to tell us what the problem if we didn't solved the your problem then you can join r favours another companys. If you don't need this guy you have to kick from this company without any questions how he can do like that just for some moneys.

by PHILEMON KHUMALO , Instrument Supervisor , Sasol Synfuels

Code of conduct clearly stipulate the manner at which one must not put comany name at disrepute and if he/she does what sunction will follow.

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