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1. Your projects are talked about
When people are moved by work, they feel compelled to discuss it. They'll usually pass it along to their friends, other co-workers, and their peers. No matter what the subject matter is, if you're being positively talked about, you're probably doing a really stellar job. People only talk about others they notice.
2. You've been receiving more tasks
As you move higher up the organizational ladder, you'll be trusted with more and more responsibility. This is a sign that your boss believes you can handle the workload. So just keep doing exactly what you are. At some point, they might even come to you about a promotion.
3. You receive constructive criticism
When you are offered constructive criticism to improve your work, it's never a bad thing. It means that people have seen and realized your potential for greatness, and they want to help you get there. Always take constructive criticism to heart--it really is a gift, and it might be exactly what you need to get to the next level in your career.
4. You are praised, though rarely
If you don't receive praise for every project, you could feel understandably uncertain how others are receiving your work. However, the times you are praised--as rare as they may be--do count. Your boss's silence could very well mean that he is confident you will do good work. Perhaps she even no longer feels it's necessary to tell you so.
5. You communicate often, and with good feedback
When we're in constant communication with our higher-ups, it's never a bad thing. Unless they're solely admonishing you, typically, being in touch with our superiors means that we're on a friendlier basis with them than others in the company.
6. You maintain a positive energy
People are drawn to others who exude good energies. If you bring a certain light to your workplace and others have noticed, nobody needs to say anything. You know you're succeeding.
Finally, if you're not sure how you're doing and your boss hasn't said anything in a while, just ask. You just might be surprised at what he or she has to say (in a good way).
Great info - the fact remains - only you really know if you are preforming at your best. The rest is just icing on the cake.
In the field of teaching, here are at least six signs as follow
1. Parents talk about you.
2. Pupils are doing great.
3. Co-workers seeks advice from you in terms of proper dealing.
4. Parents would want their child to be under your class.
5. Pupils show special respect.
6. Others may destroy your reputation.
Thank you for your invitation to my dear brother, theparticipation of distinct, beautiful themes.
Appreciate your information
Yes, its true as they give us an opportunity to review our actions as well as re-align ourselves to proceed for way forward.
great information!
appreciate the invite!