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There are the basics to track and fix the problems and error in the network according to your experience what these basics?

هناك اساسيات لتتبع واصلاح المشاكل و الاخطاء في الشبكه بحسب خبرتك ما هذه الاساسيات ؟

Question added by abdalrahman mohmmad , IT Support Engineer , mixfm
Date Posted: 2013/10/09
Mostafa Abdo
by Mostafa Abdo , Senior Infrastructure and Security Architect , Devoteam

1 - Making some initial Pings for the Near Hosts, Gateways and other VLANs.

2 - test DNS Resolving by ping by names.

3 - sniff the network with any good packet sniffer and read the packets.

and there is many other steps according to the case.

syed abdulbasith
by syed abdulbasith , System administrator , GRAPE SOFT

doing a couple of traceroutes gives me the point where the packet drops or where the latency in network traffic is happening.

abdalrahman mohmmad
by abdalrahman mohmmad , IT Support Engineer , mixfm

Collect information

Examine collected information

Eliminate potential causes

Hypothesize underlying cause

Verify hypothesis


Rami kamal Eldin Sharfi
by Rami kamal Eldin Sharfi , System Engineer , MTN (Mobile Telecommunication Company)

use ping to test the connection between the hosts

use traceroute to detect where the packet lost and check it

use IPCONFIG/ all to show the ip details ip -default gateway-subnet mask-DNS

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