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How to secure the access switch?

Question added by Mohamed Mesbah , Senior Systems Administrator , Applied Computer Services Company (HASIB)
Date Posted: 2017/05/21
Muhammad Ismail Amjad
by Muhammad Ismail Amjad , Software Support Specialist , ModiSoft

we can secure access to switch by implement the port security violation system.

Darshana Bamunuarachchi
by Darshana Bamunuarachchi , Engineer - ICT , Al Bwardy Engineering Enterprises Est

It is depen on what kind of security you are looking for.

1) You can have console login authentication to prevent console access from unauthorized access.

2) implement Port Security.

3) Radius server authentication.

and etc..

Kindly read white papers and manuals from the vender related to the product.

mohamad hosein jafari
by mohamad hosein jafari , expert technical , post company iran

set port security for user

set vlan

set vtp

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