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What are the advantages of modified World Health Organization handwashing technique to recommended hand hygienic technique?

Question added by JUBAIRAH CASAN , staff nurse , Cainglet Medical Clinic and Hospital
Date Posted: 2017/06/11
mohamed el hajj hussein
by mohamed el hajj hussein ,  Operation Manager , Eden Café Najjar Resto 2 branch

The World Health Organization's Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care have been issued by WHO Patient Safety on 5 May 2009.

on the occasion of the launch of the Save Lives: Clean Your Hands initiative. The Guidelines represent the contribution of more than 100

international experts and provide a comprehensive overview of essential aspects of hand hygiene in health care, evidence- and consensusbased recommendations, and lessons learned from testing their Advanced Draft and related implementation tools. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) First Global Patient Safety Challenge, launched in October 2005 and aimed at reducing healthcare-associated infection worldwide, identified

the promotion of hand hygiene practices in health care as a priority measure and the entry point to improve infection control in Member States.2


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