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How to calculate the water requirements for trees, shrubs and ground covers?

Question added by wasim yazbeck , Construction manager , Al Qaqafy
Date Posted: 2017/06/22
by Bashir KATAJJA , Safety Engineer , Denholm Yam Contracting Company LLC

You need to get the ETCo( Crop water requirement + Evaporation 

Khalid Khan
by Khalid Khan , Manager , Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

Evaporation on daily basis for peak period i.e. June, July months

kC values of different crops

Soil moisture holding capacity

Age of the crop/ trees i.e., growth stage


mahmoud elnagar
by mahmoud elnagar , مدير مالى للمجموعه , مجموعة المكيرش القابضة

 Depending on the trees, temperature of the atmosphere and degree of soil cohesion

ETC=ET0+evaporation and you need to conisder the plant type


Muhammad Haris Saeed
by Muhammad Haris Saeed , Area Manager , JAFFER GROUP PVT Ltd

Through ETo and Kc Values.

Abdalla Abdelshakour
by Abdalla Abdelshakour , Site Engineer , Western Beach Contracting

Trees (80 L/D)

sHRUBS (20 L/D)

Ground Cover (12 l/m2)

Mahendra Gupta
by Mahendra Gupta , Landscape Inspector / landscape engineer - consultant , Tangent landscape Architects

Plants water requirement + Evapotranmission rate + Soil Water holding capacity.

Guin Gumapac
by Guin Gumapac , Senior Technical Professional, Civil , Mustang-HDP (Wood Group)

Consider the avergage plants water requirementd and location climate.

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