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How to develop a relationship between the patient and the doctor?

Question added by Ghassan Abu-shawareb , GP and internal , family medicine , Military hospital , Banach Cmwum hospital , hospital MSWiA Warsaw, hospital MSS , Clinic Nasz Doktor , Clinic dzieci warszawy , clinic family medicine Banacha , clinic centrum Zdrowie
Date Posted: 2017/07/07
Ramy Ahmed
by Ramy Ahmed , Endocrinologist , King Khalid Hospital

1.Demonstrate to your patients that you understand their situations and feelings by showing empathy during patient interviews.

2.Minimize distractions and interruptions when visiting with your patients.

3.Engage in active listening. Concentrate on what the patient is communicating verbally and non verbally.

4. Be deliberate about the nonverbal cues you send.

5.Seek to identify or clarify the patient’s feelings.

 6.Allow the patient to correct or add to your responses until he or she confirms your understanding.

7.Enhance  counseling and listening skills.



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