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the CFO is the senior-most finance executive and is normally in charge of all financial functions of a company. Typical areas a CFO is responsible for include budgeting, credit, insurance, tax, and company treasury issues. A CFO is also typically tasked with ensuring that lower-level executives, such as the treasurer and financial controller, effectively handle day-to-day financial operations. A CFO is responsible for pushing down higher-level company ideas, concepts and plans to lower-level finance and controller areas
Chief accountants are responsible for overseeing all accounting functions. Corporate accounting is very complicated, and Chief accountants ensure that all ledger accounts, financial statements and cost control systems are operating effectively. Like the CFO, the Chief accountants typically reports directly to top management such as the CEO and the board of directors. Chief accountants are more focused on day-to-day accounting activities than CFOs normally are, and they must be good at leading and directing the work of others