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Considering the current economic situation in Saudi do you believe a brand must shell money on ATL or divert spends in-stores, share what and why?

Question added by Moazam Ali Mohammed , Head of Brand & Marketing , Good Healthy Food Products
Date Posted: 2017/09/11
Amrith Pal Singh Sandhu
by Amrith Pal Singh Sandhu , Director Export , Philips India Ltd

Since you have not mentioned the Category of Product eg FMCG or Durable.

Clearly in case of Durable it is better to invest in Stores to enhance the Experience of the consumer.

In the case of FMCG my take would be to shift the balance slightly towards the Instore but do not totally eradicate the ATL. Reason there is a very small % of Consumers who will give it a try if just placed in the store. The Instore activity should again induce trial of the product.

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