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What do you know about biotin and what are the most important benefits and how you can get it?
Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that helps you transform fat, protein and carbohydrates in your food to energy needed by the body. Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is vital for normal cell function, growth and development. It primarily helps the body to metabolize and use the food you eat. Recommendations for sufficient daily biotin intake depend on several factors such as gender, age and pregnancy. In people consuming a healthy diet, biotin deficiency is rare. However, deficiencies have been reported in patients on tube feedings or in individuals who consume raw egg whites over a long period of time (e.g., athletes consuming large volumes of raw-egg protein shakes). Symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, depression, weakness, fatigue, scaly dermatitis and loss of hair.
For healthy adults who are19 years and older, The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends an AI of35 mcg of biotin per day. For those between14 and18 years of age, an AI of35 mcg is recommended. These requirements are usually fulfilled through a normal diet. Egg yolk, liver, avocado and salmon are among the richest sources of biotin. Higher doses than the recommended AI should not be taken without medical supervision.
إن "بيوتين"، ويدعى أيضا فيتامين H، هو فيتامين تابع لمجموعة فيتامينات B. لقد تم اكتشاف هذا الفيتامين في نهاية سنوات1930 وبداية سنوات1940 في دراسة كشفت أن الصيصان الذين استهلكوا بياض البيض تساقط الشعر حول عيونهم وظهرت لديهم التهابات جلدية. أما عند إضافة صفار البيض لغذاء الصيصان، اختفت هذه الأعراض.
لبيوتين فوائد عديدة للجسم، من أهمها:
فوائد البيوتين تساعد علي نمو الخلايا وإنتاج الأحماض الدهنية، يمكن الحصول عليها من الكبد والبقوليات وفول الصويا، السلق، والطماطم، والخس، والجزر.اللوز ،البيض والحليب والتوت..