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If you are given the opportunity to advise one of your hiring managers to provide feedback to one of his direct reports what are the main tips you will share?

Question added by Mohamad Mneimneh , Freelance Human Resources Consultant , Freelance Consultants
Date Posted: 2017/11/26
ahmed seif
by ahmed seif , محاسب رواتب وأجور , شركة البوانى المحدودة

Thanks for invitation

I agree with Mr. Freddy Beijerling answer.


Freddy Beijerling
by Freddy Beijerling , EMT , Ministry of Education

Thanks for the question. To maximise effectiveness and efficiency...

Tip 1. Feedback should be given very regularly. It should NOT wait until official performance reviews.

Tip 2. Feedback can (at at times should) be ONLY positive. If you hired and trained effectively ALL you employees do (some) good work.

Tip 3. Do not shy away from negative feedback when needed. Do do not have to be abbrasive in your delivery, but you MUST be prompt in providing the feedback.

Tip 4. It can help a lot to provide negative/constructive feedback in sandwich form. Commend something positive first (in a sincere manner). Clearly detail the negative, AND the remedy/expected change in performance. End with another sincere positive. Thus the negative becomes the 'filling' in the feedback sandwich.

Tip 5. Negative/constructive feedback should be given with a view to giving the employee a chance to improve, thus earning the opportunity to receive positive feedback for the change, and gaining the organisation improved productivity.

Tip 6. You should demonstrate not only how you give feedback in a timely and constructive manner, but you should show in your daily actions how to receive feedback and improve from it yourself.

Krishnamurthy Vembu
by Krishnamurthy Vembu , Vice President, Human Resources , One of India's largest retail businesses

I'd advise him to treat it as a friendly discussion, and not to let the ego of his position come in the way!

Perhaps he should seek feedback, write it down and thank his subordinate for the feedback. Also say that he would work on them!

Ask how he can make his job more enjoyable!

صالح الحربي
by صالح الحربي , مدير عام , مجموعة الوصل للصناعة والتجارة والمقاولات العامة

Do not mind discussing the mistakes with your manager at work. The most successful discussions are the ones that reveal th facts and not the ones that make yuo lose your relationships. try to consider criticism as valuable information that aims to improve your performance and not attack your person when you draw attntion to your boss. ln the company's development plan.


Dr. Othman Alzeghaibi
by Dr. Othman Alzeghaibi , Senior Manager & R&D Researcher , SABIC Metals Technology & Innovation

Cummunicatevcaringly Act shortly Ask for permission Be specific Select the right time and place Avoid negative phrases

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