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Why is it important to make eye contact during a presentation or a job interview?

Question added by Thurayya Al Qasim , Legal Counsellor , Ihqaq Law Firm
Date Posted: 2018/02/05
Rajendra Kapote
by Rajendra Kapote , Head HR , Educational NGO

There are a lot of abilities or traits that make an effective public speaker or a presenter. The speaker uses tone so differently to make a permanent impression with the audience. So some one uses knowledge, some one has appealing voice or some one may have right knowledge that goes well with hungry audience. All of them use eye contact effectively to correspond with the needs of the audience and also to give assurance that speaker is talking out of his belief and knowledge. Many people believe that the eye contact helps them to concerntrate on their subject matter or presentation. Whenever a speaker enters the room he generally does his visual scanning to know who are in audience, where attractive pieces of furniture or beautiful statue or vase kept and that gives him later on a familiarity with environment. He uses this environment to get a sort of self assurance to speak effectively with lot of confidence. If Eye contact is missing, the chances are speaker will be talking with less or zero confidence, making speech boring though subject will be interesting. With good eye contact with audience speaker is demanding their full attention and helping them to generate interest in the talk. If a speaker can’t make eye contact with his listeners then, his listeners will subconsciously lose faith that speaker is well groomed with knowledge to speak in respect of that subject.

Elsadig Ali
by Elsadig Ali , Business Excellence Team Leader , TAD for Total Facilities Mangament Company

Because it says alot about the person character plus it's reflects the honesty of the person and his words, strong and successful leaders are taking care of making the eye contact with their people below to receive his energy for the job he is managing to give help and support in case of less knowledge or lack of experience  

Mousa mohammed
by Mousa mohammed , CEO Office Manager , United Trading & Marketing Co. ( U- Mark )

Eye contact during interview meeting is very important to allowed the employer discovering most reactions, attitude,appearance, body language all of this are giving a clear image about candidate character.

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