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Used by many companies, bloggers, journalists and influencers, this social network that seems simple in its form is however not the easiest to approach.
Sometimes, even seasoned users of Twitter may encounter difficulties when it comes to developing their business.
In this article, we will explore three basic features of Twitter:
how to create and optimize your profile
how to write your Tweets
how to engage in conversation with other users
Once you have integrated the basics of Twitter, you can use the platform to achieve your goals and improve your visibility on this social network and by extension on the internet.
For a good use of Twitter, a company is invited to share, to help its community so that it receives very quickly and quickly the news that concerns the sector of activity of your company.
Using Twitter in its communication strategy for a company is benefiting from viral marketing thanks to the simplicity and speed with which information can be published.
Your community is made up of your prospects, your customers, your collaborators and your partners. To know, if they are part of Twitter, you can either use the search engine on Twitter, or look on their website, e-commerce, see their blog or also on their business card.
1- see what are your competitors doing first on Twitter & follow their accounts (use Twitter search for this).
2 -use to know which type of content is working & getting the best engagement with fans.
3-Try to make at least 3 or 4 tweets/day & schedule your tweets (weekly for example) using: or to save your time.
4-use at least 2 hashtags/tweet.
5-shorten your URLs using:
6- Always include pictures in your tweets (use for making awesome designs if you are not familiar with photoshop & similar apps).
7-Ask people to retweet you & thank them for this.
8-Make contests to get engagement (use: for example).
Kindly check the below
Every business organisation should use 3-4 social media channels on their own, including Twitter. However use twitter can be a tricky affair. Sometime a bad service, disgruntled customer can backfire on entire campaign.
Hence it is wise to use "employee brand advocacy" while handling social media channels/presence of an organisation. All employees should be watchful & "listen socially" about the negative content anywhere on social media apart from the tools available for it. Organisation should follow a single policy laid down by the marketing communications team.
Active usage and prompt replies to the queries are expected if you have a Twitter handle for business. Many organisations loose lot of leads by not replying to the queries generated from it.
Twitter is a social platform where the thumb rule of communication is to be Quick, Brief and To the Point.
We can broadly segregate the communication and activity in Twitter into Two Types:
1. Initiated by You to Others
2. Initiated by Others to You
1. Initiated by you to others:
· Follow relevant Twitter handles considering your company, industry and competitors. For you an easy guide would be your competitor’s Twitter pages. Visit their Twitter pages to find whom they are following and who are following them. People who are following your competitors can be your prospects. Make a list and follow them. This will increase your chances to get a follow back.
· Use # tags without a miss. Use popular #tags and/ or create your own #tags. Try using trending #tags for the day in your posts (only if relevant) to get more exposure on Twitter.
· Tag by @Twitter name the relevant handles for your post.
· For this it is important to understand the conversation going on in the industry where your company belongs to. What content is getting mileage and what is getting ignored. Complete your research to start formulating content.
· Do remember to value add through the content for your followers who are expected to be majorly from the same industry. Content should be served fresh. It needs to attract and engage the target.
· Apart from creating content posts relevant and engaging quotes.
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