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How would you answer this job interview question: Why should I hire you?

Question added by Salam Assi , Customer Service Officer , Etihad Bank
Date Posted: 2018/03/01
Matthew Smith
by Matthew Smith , Writer , freelance

Many people miss a critical opportunity to showcase their strengths and leave a powerful lasting impression. I’m talking about the “Is there anything you’d like to ask us?” point in an interview.

Evanson Kamau
by Evanson Kamau , Creative Director , SILK SASS ENTERPRISES LIMITED

Because suitable for the position and willing to learn more.

Bakhtavver Italia
by Bakhtavver Italia , HR Manager , Wilhelmsen Ships Service Qatar ltd.

There may be many more experienced candidates who have applied for this job but why I should be chosen over all, is because I come with an added value of being a certified Trainer and internal auditor as well as certified QHSSE in charge.

Kaustabh Sarkar
by Kaustabh Sarkar , Group HR & Business Excellence Head , Mustafa Sultan Enterprises LLC

Let them know that you can resolve all their pain points better than any other candidate at the right cost and in the most effective manner showcasing your achievements and your experiences that can really add value in your field of work and the job in hand for which you are being hired.  

Patrick Galloway
by Patrick Galloway , General Manager , City of Johannesburg

I would align the vision, mission statement and ethics of the organisation with  my strengths and contribution that I will be bringing to the organisation. I would even go further to confidently suggest that failure is not an option and should I fail to deliver, I will vacate that position.



Gaurav Basu
by Gaurav Basu , Digital Account Manager , SutraMagnus Advertising

for 3 main reasons,

  • I posses the necessary qualification for the role
  • I keep a positive attitude, which makes me an apt solution provider. I keep calm in difficult situation and try to solve an issue rather than panicing. 
  • I am a quick learner, adaptive and extrovert person, whihc makes me an indvidual who posseses the right attitude to fit in the organization and embrace the company's work culture, ethics and social standing. 

Above all, I am highly relaible and can get the job done; so that whatever the case be, the client does not suffer.  

Yasser Abaza
by Yasser Abaza , Senior Internal Auditor , Zahid Group

Thanks for the question.

Because, I am sure diversity of expertise that I gained from the different jobs i have occupied will surely help to achieve the vision and mission of your company( will be better if you read it from the web site of the co.) and the goals (long and mid terms), As an independent qualified asset, I will be able to work with a team or independently, liaise with the different levels of management, help and create a new solution for the obstacles that might facing company and prevent it from achieving its goals.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

You should hire me because ( you should say and believe whatever the truth is, 100 %) I am dependable, responsible and hard working individual who may prove to be an Asset for your organization

Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
by Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


I will apply my experience through your company

Shashwat Srivastava
by Shashwat Srivastava , Graduate Apprentice Trainee , Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

I prepared myself which includes my educational qualification, my experience, and my skills, for this day to get hired in your company/organization, which not only gives me 'a challenging job and suitable position wherein I can make the optimum use of the existing opportunities and also create a new one as to grow within the organization' and is my job oriented objective too. 

Ahmed Hassaan
by Ahmed Hassaan , Architecture Engineer , ARAB CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING

honestly there is no perfect answer because everyone has a unique mindset and attitude 

But.. the most important thing you should take care is answer from your heart with full self confident 

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