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A few minutes of slow , regulated deep breathing and clearing my mind with my eyes shut . After that im good for a few more hours under stressful conditiond.
Five ways you can do it to be clearer, productive and successful in your life:
1. Start your day right :
The way you start your day has a big impact on how productive you are during the rest of the day. Try to make your mind clear and make sure that your body and your brain gets enough food where This is vital to production capacity. If you wake up anxious or afraid or you feel any other negative emotion, do everything in your power to come back To calm you down. Remember who you choose how you feel and no one else can determine it. Express your thoughts in pamphlets, meditations, or sports. After that, eat healthy food for breakfast and do not resort to meals that give a sudden dose of sugar. Feed your body and mind to succeed.
2. Vision success:
The perception of success paves the way for tangible success. Just as athletes imagine the race Time and again in their minds, imagine your day as going well and it will be exciting Powered makes you able to achieve your goals. Plan each morning for the way you want to spend your day by visualizing all the goals. Visualize basic tasks, meetings, or discussions throughout the day with only positive thoughts and emotions. Neurosis, the human brain does not differentiate between what actually happens and what we imagine. Therefore, the Conceiving success can reduce anxiety and fear.
3 - Committed to the date of departure strictly:
Before you start working, take time to leave because when you know that your time is limited to finish all your tasks, it usually makes you more focused, so students who do study before the exams short time can do more Of achievement because they have no other choice In front of them .
4. Meditate or exercise during rest:
Taking a physical and mental rest of the work allows you to relax, recharge, and return to focus more. This comfort, if spent properly, will provide you with more energy and will be able to focus again to be more productive. Choose exercise or running to increase adrenaline, which will give you energy.
5 - Set limits and abide by:
Being able to say "no" and setting your own limits will save you energy and increase productivity. Be clear about your needs so that your job is fine and say "no" to people, meetings, overtime, distracted activities, tasks that do not bring you any benefit and do not ultimately lead to your company's success. If someone says there is a two-hour meeting, be clear and say you have only or minutes and then withdraw from the meeting. If someone wants you to reply to a message or a phone call, say you have a deadline You must accomplish your task as quickly as possible.
most be feel in love at your work how? example while cleaning imagine that the one you are about to cleaned is your someone special the most you hated.recharging by eating watching comedy movies