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What should be done once the mobile phone falls into the water?

Question added by Dana Qaisi , Social Media Specialist , N/A
Date Posted: 2018/03/22
Mohammed Salim Syed
by Mohammed Salim Syed , Business Information Manager , muvi Cinemas Co.

If it's your personal phone then dry it as best as possible and put it in a bag or box of rice for a week to 10 days.

If it is company issued then say a prayer of thanks that no one will disturb you till they issue you a replacement.

Sajid Sidi
by Sajid Sidi , SOFTWARE TEST LEAD | SCRUM MASTER , Magnit Global

Do not press any button.   if you can detach battery, do it. or dry it out using hair dryer, and keep it in drum of raise at least for 24 hrs. before use.

by MARIO MAPUIA TUNGA , Senior officer , Department of Customs

do not press any button and leave it to dry.

Turn it off immediately

put in a bag of rice for 2 days to absorb the moisture

disassemble all the phone's parts

put it again in a bag of rice for 1 day 

reassemble the phone and turn it on 

if it doesnt turn on or something is wrong in the phone u have to visit a (technician)

not power on , try to dry it and not power it until make sure 100 % dry

Muhammad  kashif  Nadeem
by Muhammad kashif Nadeem , Admin officer , The closium hotel pretoria South Africa

View all   To take care of that, fill a bowl with uncooked rice and bury your phone in it. ... You canalso fill a plastic baggy with silica packets (those little packets that you find in shoe boxes) and drop your phone in into it. Silica is a desiccant that sucks up water moisture, so it's perfect for drying a wet smartphone.

by NDASI NORBERT , Computer Hardware/Software, Mobile phone software Technician , FAISAL AL KABI ELECTRONIC TRADING

Remove the battery, dont put on charge, and dont switch it on, keep the phone dry

Roy Hamlyn
by Roy Hamlyn , Development Manager , Westport Property Group

Unless its waterproof ..........claim on insurance or if not insured save for a new phone!

Jefersone Lopez
by Jefersone Lopez , Electronic Maintenance Technician , Technical Care Center

if mobile phones falls into water, you need to detach the battery first to avoid additional damage, next is to clean with cleaning solution (alcohol or thinner) and let it dry using hot air.

Khawar imran
by Khawar imran , Senior Software Engg , Hive worx Pvt Ltd

than the only thing left is shampoo.hahaha

sorry its just joke .1st of all remove the battry and sim and dry the Sunny area.dont ON the phone until the phone is dry. else some short circuit damage your phone.

to take care of that, fill a bowl with uncooked rice and bury your phone in it

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