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What is the best way to give negative and posetive feedbacks to the learners?

What is the best way to give negative and posetive feedback to the learners?

Question added by Nelson Mabote , General Receptionist/ Administration , Toyo
Date Posted: 2018/04/09
Bahareh Salehi
by Bahareh Salehi , Regulatory and Technical Support (Biomedical Engineer) , Darman Ara

Explain feedback wherever possible. Take specific feedback even further by offering detailed explanations of why you chose to make those suggestions.

Mohamed Eisa Hussein Musa
by Mohamed Eisa Hussein Musa , Operation Geologist , Petro-energgy E&P Co.Ltd

Following are nine tips for turning your negative employee into a positive contributor: Understand the Root Cause. ... Provide Constructive Feedback. ... Set Clear Expectations. ... Offer Support and Resources. ... Encourage Problem-Solving. ... Promote a Positive Work Environment. ... Implement a Performance Improvement Plan. ... Monitor Progress.

saifaldeen mahmoud abdalla ahmed suliman
by saifaldeen mahmoud abdalla ahmed suliman , Mechatronics Technician , Elsitel electromechanical(Saudi

Managing an employee who is causing a negative stir requires a combination of clear communication, objective assessment, and strategic intervention. Here’s a step-by-step approach: 1. **Identify the Problem:** - Collect specific examples of the negative behavior. - Speak with other team members to understand the impact. 2. **Private Discussion:** - Schedule a private meeting with the employee. - Clearly explain the specific behaviors causing issues, using concrete examples. - Allow the employee to share their perspective. 3. **Understand the Root Cause:** - Determine if the behavior stems from personal issues, misunderstandings, lack of skills, or other factors. 4. **Set Clear Expectations:** - Outline the expected changes in behavior. - Provide specific examples of what positive behavior looks like. - Set measurable goals and a timeline for improvement. 5. **Offer Support and Resources:** - Provide training or coaching if needed. - Suggest resources such as counseling if personal issues are affecting work. 6. **Monitor Progress:** - Schedule regular check-ins to review progress. - Provide constructive feedback, both positive and negative. 7. **Document Everything:** - Keep detailed records of all meetings, communications, and progress reports. 8. **Consider Team Dynamics:** - Address any potential issues within the team that may be contributing to the problem. 9. **Escalate if Necessary:** - If there’s no improvement, follow your company’s disciplinary procedures. - This may include formal warnings or ultimately, termination if the behavior doesn’t change. 10. **Reflect and Learn:** - After resolving the issue, consider what can be learned to prevent future problems. - Implement changes in policies or team dynamics if needed. Addressing negative behavior proactively and thoughtfully can help maintain a positive work environment and support the overall well-being and productivity of the team.

Bibek Lamsal Lamsal
by Bibek Lamsal Lamsal , Assistant , HIMALAYAN BANK LIMITED

One to one intervention for negative one Praise in front of everyone for positive.

### Positive Feedback: 1. **Be Specific**: Point out exactly what the learner did well. Highlight specific behaviors, actions, or achievements. 2. **Timely Recognition**: Provide positive feedback promptly after the observed behavior or accomplishment. This reinforces the desired behavior and increases its likelihood of being repeated. 3. **Encouragement**: Use positive language to encourage and motivate the learner. Let them know that their efforts are valued and appreciated. 4. **Focus on Strengths**: Highlight the learner's strengths and areas of competence. This boosts their confidence and reinforces their abilities. 5. **Relevance**: Connect positive feedback to the learner's goals and objectives. Show how their actions contribute to their overall progress and success. ### Negative Feedback: 1. **Be Constructive**: Frame negative feedback in a constructive manner. Focus on providing actionable suggestions for improvement rather than criticism. 2. **Private Setting**: Deliver negative feedback in a private setting to avoid embarrassment or humiliation. Respect the learner's dignity and maintain confidentiality. 3. **Specific Examples**: Use specific examples to illustrate the behavior or performance that needs improvement. This helps the learner understand what they need to change. 4. **Focus on Behavior, Not Person**: Critique the behavior or performance, not the individual. Separate the action from the person's identity to prevent defensiveness. 5. **Offer Support**: Provide support and resources to help the learner address areas for improvement. Offer guidance, training, or mentorship to assist them in overcoming challenges. 6. **Encourage Growth Mindset**: Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and improvement. Encourage the learner to see negative feedback as an opportunity for growth rather than failure. ### General Tips: 1. **Balance**: Strike a balance between positive and negative feedback. Recognize achievements while also addressing areas for improvement. 2. **Be Specific**: Whether positive or negative, specificity is key. Provide detailed feedback that is relevant and actionable. 3. **Active Listening**: Encourage open communication and active listening. Give learners the opportunity to share their perspective and respond to feedback. 4. **Feedback Loop**: Establish a feedback loop where learners can ask questions, seek clarification, and provide their own feedback on the learning process.

Venkata Butukuri
by Venkata Butukuri , Technical System Project Coordinator(Project Lead) , Hamad Medical Corporation

Approach the situation with fairness, consistency, and professionalism. Every employee deserves the opportunity to improve, but it's also essential to prioritize the well-being of the team as a whole.

Saif Ur Rahman
by Saif Ur Rahman , Salesman , EXPO 2020

When offering feedback to learners, whether it's positive or negative, it's essential to do so in a constructive manner that promotes growth and development. Positive feedback should be specific, highlighting particular behaviors or actions that merit recognition. It's crucial to offer praise promptly after observing positive behavior, emphasizing the learner's efforts and progress. Additionally, focusing on the impact of their actions and using descriptive language to explain why their behavior was effective can reinforce positive behaviors and encourage a growth mindset.

Conversely, when delivering negative feedback, it's important to do so in a private setting to avoid causing embarrassment or defensiveness. Be specific and constructive, clearly articulating the behavior or issue that needs improvement. It's crucial to focus on the behavior itself rather than criticizing the person. Providing examples and offering solutions for improvement can help the learner understand what needs to change and how to address the issue. Encouraging self-reflection and expressing confidence in the learner's ability to improve can also be beneficial.

Following up after providing feedback is essential, regardless of whether it's positive or negative. Checking in with the learner to see how they're progressing and offering additional support or guidance if needed demonstrates your commitment to their growth and development. Overall, maintaining a supportive and encouraging tone when giving feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement and learning, helping learners reach their full potential.


the simplest way of dealing with learners is to show humility and listen to their concerns with intent

Adam Adekunle
by Adam Adekunle , Associate Marketing And Communication Head , Africa faterlizer

More knowledge and educate the way of managing bussiness

Engr Arifur Rahman
by Engr Arifur Rahman , MEP Project Engineer , Modern Volt Contracting Co.Ltd MEP

Managing an employee who is causing a negative stir can be challenging but it's crucial to address the situation promptly and effectively to maintain a positive work environment. Here are some steps you can take: Assess the situation: Take the time to understand the nature and extent of the issues caused by the employee. Gather relevant information, including feedback from other employees, performance reviews, and any documented incidents. Private conversation: Schedule a private meeting with the employee to discuss your concerns. Approach the conversation with empathy and openness. Clearly communicate the specific behaviors or actions that are causing problems and how they are impacting the team or the organization. Listen actively: Give the employee a chance to share their perspective. Sometimes there might be underlying issues or misunderstandings that need to be addressed. Actively listen to their concerns and try to find common ground. Set expectations: Clearly outline your expectations for behavior and performance going forward. Be specific about what changes you expect to see and provide examples if necessary. Make sure the employee understands the consequences of not meeting these expectations. Provide support: Offer support and resources to help the employee improve. This could include additional training, coaching, or access to counseling services if there are personal issues impacting their behavior. Follow-up: Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and provide feedback. Recognize and acknowledge improvements while also addressing any setbacks or recurring issues. Document everything: Keep detailed records of your conversations, including dates, topics discussed, and any agreements made. This will be important if further action is needed in the future. Consider disciplinary action if necessary: If the employee continues to cause problems despite your efforts to address the issue, you may need to escalate the situation. This could involve disciplinary action, up to and including termination, depending on the severity of the behavior and your organization's policies. Maintain confidentiality: Respect the privacy of the employee throughout the process. Avoid discussing the situation with other employees unless necessary and ensure that any disciplinary actions taken are handled discreetly. Remember that every situation is unique, and it's important to approach each case with sensitivity and fairness. Your goal should be to address the behavior effectively while also supporting the employee in making positive changes.

Ghomari Jed

Say it in the third person ; or give examples

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