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What are the general qualities recruiters look for in an employee?

Employees or people in general come with a certain level of expertise, skills, traits, looks and personality. Out of these, what do recruiters and companies look for when the interview or seek a new employee?

Question added by Mayez Kabbara , Social Media Senior , Alsayegh Media
Date Posted: 2013/10/24
Deleted user
by Deleted user

Nowdays common problem with all employees is jumping jobs in short time and because of this companies loose money, time and efforts on candidates which gets trained and then a new person again takes same time to reach a level.

So, most important would be sticking to companies and growing with them.


Second a punctual and sincere candidate can take company higher as who doesnt have self discipline he/she can't contribute much.


Third would be skills and knowledge of roles and responsibilites given and how much improvement can be bought in routine work and how work can be done  in a efficient way.

so all above things is very important for any recruiter to select a candidate.

Zafar Iqbal
by Zafar Iqbal , Teacher (Pak Studies) Subject Specialist , Home Tutor

The skills to perform the job.

Jayson Aglubat
by Jayson Aglubat , Graphic Designer/Information Technology , Local Government

Experience, knowledge, skills and willing to work and can contribute to the company...ignored the salary but choose to work and gain knowledge while working....

by LOUIE MARZAN , Sr. Property Specialist , SM Development Corporation

The person has the capacity to the job, determination and  flexible.The person must know what he/she's applying for praticularly the needs of the company objective and skills suitable to the employee skill or specialty.A person must be aware of what  qualities he/she have inorder to meet the recruiter satisfaction.

Asma Afzal
by Asma Afzal , Life Coach & Founder , House of Wisdom Pakistan(a welfare project)

Interesting question , Rules of Business have gone changed  lets challange the traditional ways of recruiting which is out come of traditional ways of thinking and education we inhereted from greeks at that time when the society was balanced but now things have gone so volatile  so looks, personality, skills , Excel solely , traits , expertise are just water in the soup which is necessary for the soup -------but soup has to be more than water.  Employees are like honey bees who collect honey for the organization. only quality one should look for would they be able to collect honey . Are they work force .? or just ***** 

Prathap Siluvaipillai
by Prathap Siluvaipillai , Sr. HR Specialist / Sr.HR Generalist/HR Supervisor , Energy Technical Services WLL

Confidence ,Integration,Knowledge,Manners and Attitude are the main attributes of selection process.

nagoor kani
by nagoor kani , sales officer , sheenlac paints ltd

the employee have hard worker ,hounourable man and good habits

Mohamad Faizal Abdul Sani
by Mohamad Faizal Abdul Sani , Senior Manager, Compliance Governance , RHB Banking Group

In my opinion, loyalty and determination to excel. The ability to communicate  among colleagues and superiors are also an advantageous trait to have.

Antonio Mhek Jr
by Antonio Mhek Jr , Lead Document Controller , Tecnicas Reunidas

Flexibility, willingness to learn and to be trained.

rajesh basantani
by rajesh basantani , International Sales Executive , Entice Sol

The General qualities looked in an employee are: skills, knowledge, health and wisdom.

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