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Journal entry for paying salaries?

Question added by bala sai
Date Posted: 2018/09/08
by TILLAI GAUTHAM SURYARAJ , Senior Researcher , Willaims Lea

Debit Salaries account and Credit Cash. As the rule states Debit all Expenses and Losses. In this case Salary is an expense. Other rule states Credit what goes out. In this case Cash goes out. 

Muhammad Kassab  CPA CMA CertIFR
by Muhammad Kassab CPA CMA CertIFR , Accounting Manager , Marine Buildings Landmarks


first you have to record the expense when accrued:

Dr. Salary expense accounts

Cr. accrued salaries


second you will record the payment when it happens:

Dr. Accrued Salaries

Cr. Bank or Cash

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