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Protein transmitted iron in blood? a-albumen. b-ferritten. c- transfrettin d- transferen

Question added by محمد محمداحمد , طبيب مختبر طبي , مستشفى أمراض النساء والتوليد-ودمدني
Date Posted: 2013/10/26
mohanad al samarah
by mohanad al samarah , مشرف وطبيب مخبر , محافظة دمشق

protein transmeted iron in blood is transferen

Waleed Libda
by Waleed Libda , S.Medical Technologist , Weyburn General Hospital

Transferrin: A plasma protein that transports iron through the blood to the liver, spleen and bone marrow. The blood transferrin level is tested to determine the cause of anaemia, to examine iron metabolism and to determine the iron-carrying capacity of the blood. Low transferrin can impair haemoglobin production and so lead to anaemia. Low transferrin can be due to poor production of transferrin by the liver or excessive loss of transferrin through the kidneys into the urine. Many conditions including infection and malignancy can depress transferrin levels. The transferrin is abnormally high in iron deficiency anaemia.

Fareed Almalki
by Fareed Almalki , مدير ادارة مكافحة العدوى , مستشفى الصحة النفسية

Plasma glycoprotein called transferrin.

Bader Al Alwan
by Bader Al Alwan , العلوم البيولوجية , بيولوجيا الخلية الجزيئية

The answer is d- transferen

Abdulfattah Hussein Saleh Zolait
by Abdulfattah Hussein Saleh Zolait , Head of the laboratory , The Ministry of Public Health and Population


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