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#class name or id name{
It is positioned element that use to overlap the two div(boxes).
z-index is used to position the elements on top, basically like stacking the elements. Those elements with higher z-index value will be on top.
An element with greater z-index number is always in front of an element with a lower z-index number.
z-index is a css property that enables the layering of elements (in front of, behond)
The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element.
simply the order of elemnt which win will apear first look like layers and you choose to apear first
z-index is a css property that allows to position an object/element in front/behind of other
z-index is basically to give significance if we have multiple divisions overlapping.The one with greater z-index will stand out more than the other
z-index is responsible for setting layers and selecting its order on css