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How does the government encourage healthy care?

Question added by Ishaku Ishaya
Date Posted: 2018/12/06
Shaik Sayed Md  Rashidul Hossain
by Shaik Sayed Md Rashidul Hossain , Deputy Manager , BRAC


Thanks for the question! 


Managing a Health care system is quite tough job. If your can manage your Health system properly you can deliver quality care or you can say healthy care. I have been working with several paper which are mainly focused on improvement of health care delivery system. I am just providing some of the way through which your an ensure quality care. 


 Provision of essential health care services (Ensor et al.; Ahmed et al.)


  •  Regulatory approaches (Peters et al.)
  •  Integrated outreach services (Victora et al.)
  • Maternity waiting homes (Eckerman and Deodato)
  • Emergency transport with communication system (Ensor and Cooper)
  • More staffed peripheral health facilities (Ensor and Cooper)
  • Culturally sensitive health care delivery (Ensor and Cooper)
  • Deconcentration of authority/decentralization (Janovsky et al.)
  • Improved management, including supervision and feedback mechanisms (Oliveira-Cruz et al.)


Those are the non monetary intervention. There are some monetary intervention which will help people to get quality health care service , some of those interventions are


·                      Pay for performance (Janovsky et al.)


·                     Needs-based financing (Pearson)


·                     Abolishment of user fees


·                     Contracting (Loevinsohn and Harding)


In short this the ans. I know if you go through my answer so many question will arise , please do ask question it will help me to explore that topic more. 


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