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What are the accounting principles, accounting assumptions and accounting constraints?

Question added by Siham Amer , Financial Analyst , Noor Al Hikmah Group
Date Posted: 2019/03/05
Kartik Akade
by Kartik Akade

The most notable principles include the revenue recognition principle, matching principle, materiality principle, and consistency principle. Completeness is ensured by the materiality principle, as all material transactions should be accounted for in the financial statements.

Mohammed Hussain
by Mohammed Hussain , Claims Manager , ClaimBuddy Technologies Private Limited

Accounting principles, assumptions, and constraints form the foundation of financial accounting practices. Here's a breakdown:

Accounting Principles:
  1. Going Concern Principle: Assumes that the business will continue to operate indefinitely unless there is evidence to the contrary.
  2. Accrual Principle: Revenue and expenses are recorded when earned or incurred, not necessarily when cash changes hands.
  3. Consistency Principle: Requires consistency in applying accounting methods and practices from one period to another for comparability.
  4. Matching Principle: Matches expenses with related revenues in the same accounting period to accurately reflect the income generated.
  5. Materiality Principle: Allows for the omission of insignificant details if their inclusion would not impact the decision-making of financial statement users.
  6. Principle of Conservatism: Calls for a cautious approach, preferring to understate rather than overstate assets and income.
Accounting Assumptions:
  1. Business Entity Assumption: Assumes that the business is separate from its owners and other businesses.
  2. Monetary Unit Assumption: Records transactions and events in a common monetary unit, disregarding inflation or changes in currency value.
  3. Time Period Assumption: Divides the life of a business into distinct and measurable time periods for reporting purposes.
  4. Stable Monetary Unit Assumption: Assumes that the monetary unit used in the accounting records remains stable over time.
Accounting Constraints:
  1. Cost Constraint: Requires that financial accounting information be produced within reasonable cost limits, balancing the benefit against the cost of providing information.
  2. Materiality Constraint: Similar to the materiality principle, it allows for the omission of information if its inclusion would not impact the decision-making process of users due to its immaterial nature.

These principles, assumptions, and constraints collectively guide accountants in recording, reporting, and interpreting financial information while ensuring reliability, comparability, and relevance for stakeholders.

Amir Mohamed
by Amir Mohamed , General Accountant , Atlas international Hotels


A set of alternatives that accountants must adhere to, reliability, fairness and transparency in accounting recording. This information includes simple, limited, shareholding, limited, limited and operating principle the fundamental assumptions : in the matters on which the financial statements are prepared. The financial statements are prepared on the basis that the business entity will continue to operate together in the future without the need or intention on the part of management to liquidate the structure or partially reduce its activities. ACCOUNTING CONSTRAINTS : Accounting entries aim to organize and document financial transactions and ensure the accuracy of the financial information and numbers recorded in the accounting records. Accounting entries are an essential tool in analyzing and understanding the financial position of an organization and making correct financial decisions

Syed Faizan Haidry
by Syed Faizan Haidry , Accountant , Freeoz Khan Associations

Accounting assumptions, or accounting principles, are the rules a business uses to dictate operating procedures and remain in compliance with all relevant requirements and regulations. The structure assumptions provide can help determine how to record transactions and organize financial information correctly

Sherif Elarnoty
by Sherif Elarnoty , رئيس قطاع الرقابه الداخليه البنك الزراعى , البنك الزراعى المصرى

اولا :- مبادىء المحاسبة عبارة عن مجموعه من القوانين والطرق  التى يجب الالتزام بها عند اجراء العمليات المحاسبية وهناك نوعان من مبادئ المحاسبة المالية المتفق عليها دوليا اولا مبادئ المحاسبة المقبولة  GAAP وهي المعايير الأمريكية وثانيا مبادىء المحاسبة الدولية IFRS وهي المعايير الأوروبية

ثانيا :- تمثل الفروض الاساس الذى  يستخدم في اشتقاق المبادئ المحاسبية، وإعداد القوائم المالية حيث تكون أساسا او إطار فكري يصلح للاستدلال واشتقاق المبادئ المحاسبية  ومثال ذلك فرض الوحدة المحاسبية المستقلة  وفرض وحدة القياس النقدي وفرض الاستمرارية والفترة المحاسبية

ثالثا :- القيود المحاسبية هي عملية توثيق وتسجيل العمليات المالية والاقتصادية التي تتم في المنشأة. وتهدف الى تنظيم وتوثيق العمليات المالية 

Ashraf  Saber
by Ashraf Saber , Accounting supervisor - Senior Accountant , Albahar general services company

there are alot of accounting principals like : matching principle,going concern,revenue recognition, cost and benifits


Uzair Aziz
by Uzair Aziz , Manager Accounts , Nagina Cotton Mills Limited

Hello Siham Amer

Accounting principles and assumptions are:

matching principle

revenue recognition principle

business entity principle

Full disclosure principle

cost benefit principle

going concern assumption


Constraints are:

time period constraint




industry practice

by PRASHANTHA POOJARY , Finance Manager , SKDRDP(R.) Karnataka State Regional office Micro Finance(BC/BF Model)

Accounting Principles areRevenue,Expense,matching,cost and obejective principles.

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