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Which is more effective - mobile advertising or online advertising?

Question added by Lohitaksh Keswani , Senior Account Manager , MenaMarketPlace
Date Posted: 2013/05/15
Yvan Clot- Goudard
by Yvan Clot- Goudard , Consultant , Y Consulting LLC

well it depends who you target, for what product, when… Your question is too broad to be answered.
Try to narrow it down a little bit.

Bîshǿy Cãmël
by Bîshǿy Cãmël , , FirЄbird Wedding Limousine

....yes it depends again but also cell phone is more like is going on realtime if u know what I'm talking about like u are in touch but also in a way not be annoying or some kind of spam and include a way to stop receiving or for example ask how many messages to receive and also if u want Extra more offers give ur number to other firms or no in other words more options more optionnal with diffrents choices and different types..

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