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hint: Cordocentesis is a fetal blood sampling.
Cordocentesisknown as percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
Definition: is a highly specialized prenatal test in which a sample of the baby's blood is a highly specialized prenatal test in which a sample of the baby's blood is removed from the umbilical cord for testing.
Cordocentesis might be offered when:
The desired information can't be obtained any other way
Results from other prenatal tests are unclear
Test results might have a significant impact on the immediate management of the pregnancy
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) sampling of chorionic villi from the villous area of the chorion, a procedure used for prenatal diagnosis at nine to12 weeks of gestation. A catheter is inserted either through the cervix or through the abdominal wall and fetal chorionic villus tissue for analysis is aspirated under ultrasonic guidance. This is used for the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomies, hemoglobinopathies, & biochemical disorders. It allows first trimester diagnosis and direct chromosomal & biochemical analysis but does not screen for neural tube defects or certain other anomalies; some of those may be identified by maternal serum and amniotic fluid AFP measurements.
Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling a procedure used to obtain fetal blood for examination; a sterile needle is inserted through the mother's abdomen and uterus, and guided to one of the umbilical veins via ultrasound. This procedure has begun to replace fetoscopy because it has a lower complication rate. Direct sampling of fetal blood provides more rapid test results than amniocentesis, and a more definitive diagnosis. It can be used to identify chromosomal abnormalities, detect a fetal infection, & assess fetal growth & development. Called also cordocentesis.