Aziz Virani , Manager, Human Resources , Ziauddin University
Yes Manager must listen to small's not only duty of a good manager but also a responsibility of a good leader…. We (HR) always claims that we (Our Company) are an equal opportunity employer then we should provide equal opportunity to all employees….
karim gabsi , رئيس دائرة جرد شبكة التطهير الأراضي والمباني بإدارة الممتلكات في مديرية المالية والمحاسبة , office nationale de l'assainissement
نعم، أكيد بل واجب الإستماع وبانتباه إلى جميع أنواع العملة وذلك لكسب ثقتهم أولا حتى وإن لن تقدم حلولا إلى مشاكلهم ولكن الأستماع وبانتباه إليهم يزيد من تقوية العلاقات الإجتماعية في المؤسسة وكسب ثقتهم باهتمامك بهم وهو ما سيساهم حتما في رفع الإنتاجية أو على الأقل المحافظة على النسق المطلوب
I am sorry to say this, but there is nothing called as small employees. A manager is responsible for the collective processes of the so called employees who falls under him/her hierarchially. So YES, a manager should listen to everyone under him, as failure in this area can directly/indirectly affect him as well.
Nitin C.
yess.. a manager have to listen to the good suggestions made by the employees.. whatever is their suggestions, listen it and take only those which a manager think as appropriate for the well being and long term growth of a company.