Leonardo Banzali , Electrical Maintenance-trainer , Sadara Chemical Company
While most of the important qualities of a great maintenance person was already mentioned from other answers, what I can say is the person must be reliable & prompt to his work & can take time tables and most of all whatever he handles he shall think of it as his very own property and he is doing it for his loved ones.
Ayham Bakeer , Sr. Electrical Engineer (maintenance and fault location dep.) , Jordanian Electrical Power Company (JEPCO)
Maintenance person must be reliable and can make the perfect solution (most active and less cost) with short time and can make good desicion under pressure
2.Degree to which you paln you day, week, month.
3.Acting on priorities not on urgencies but urgencies are unavoidable but by acting on priorites you will arrive a point with lesser urgencies at work
Diaa Abbas , Engineering Department manager , Intra for pharmaceutical industries
the most important to make good and practical relations with your collegues and to respect other ideas
and to think fast act slow not to make any damages ..... but no learning without damages so try to make the least ones